Chapter 17

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Anna woke with a start. It was still dark and she heard the quick drumming of rain pattering all around the tent. It was raining hard and water was soaking its way onto the ground underneath her. The pallet thankfully did an okay job keeping her dry at the moment, however, the temperature had dropped dramatically causing her to shiver uncontrollably. She placed her feet under the furs that were underneath her, and huddled her body into a fetal position trying her best to get warm.

She could not go back to sleep. She was too damn cold. She let her mind wander. This horrible place was apparently the place she was born. She decided it was okay to acknowledge that now. It didn't mean she should have to stay. People who were born in Kentucky could move to California if they wanted, so why couldn't that be the same for universes? Jesus. She felt like she was in a Marvel movie.

She was a mage. Apparently the only one, because a psychopath decided to kill them all. That must mean that her biological mother was also dead.

Her teeth started to chatter violently.

She tucked herself into the furs a little more. She had always hoped she could meet her one day. She had fantasized that her parents were still out there looking for her. That she once had a mother's love. Maybe she still had a father. A loving, doting father who would embrace her like the prodigal's son when they became acquainted again. She smiled at the thought.

She had asked Rye if he had any idea who her parents were. He said he didn't know, but he promised he would help her find out. Rye was full of shit. He would say anything to get her to accept a life with him.

When we are rightly joined, Anna, I can send out inquiries about you across the realm. You belong here. You belong with me. I will do what I can to make you happy.

Her bullshit-o-meter went off like a siren when he offered his services. She didn't want his help in this matter. His help came at a price, and she wasn't buying.

Case in point, the stupid ass then tried to kiss her again.

Thankfully, she anticipated his attack and all he got was a mouthful of her hair.

Suddenly, a large arm fell over top of her and pulled her into his hard warm body. "You are cold. Let me warm you." Rye started rubbing his hand up and down on her arm. Her cheek lay flat against his bare chest. Her leg had fallen onto his. Thankfully, he was at least wearing bottoms. He turned his body toward her.

Great. Now they were entangled like lovers. But damn it, it felt good. She couldn't help but melt into him. She nuzzled her head into his neck and her hands clutched his shoulders. His arms enveloped her body. One hand massaged her arm and the other her back. Her chattering started to slow and her body began to relax as she relished in his warmth.

She startled with alarm when she felt his length harden against her. She tried to move away from him but Rye tightened his grip around her.

"Don't. I just want to help warm you. You were shivering. Try and sleep," Rye reassured her. She willed herself to loosen her muscles. Then she gave a soft sigh of contentment. She loved the way he felt. She was surprised when she realized she trusted him in this moment. He would keep his word and control himself. She was sure of it. She fell back to sleep as thoughts of him danced in her head.


Anna fell asleep in his arms. His cheek was pressed against her head and he could feel her steadied breaths. He had never slept this way with a woman. Not that he was sure that he could sleep.

His encounters with other women had only been to ease a need. He closed himself off to anything else. He had saved his heart for his intended, for the mage with ocean eyes.

She was softening toward him. She cried with him when he told her about his sister and his mother. Her soul was even more beautiful than her face. She was a light in the darkness.

She still wanted to go back to her other home. She didn't want to stay with him. They needed to join, but he didn't want to force her. He gently stroked her hair. Sweet Fates. He could never force her.


"The rain is not easing up, Rye. The storm is brewing. We need to get to the main road and head to an inn," Thad pressed. Rye was squatting in Thadeon's tent completely drenched and filled with uncertainty. The winds had picked up and they needed to find shelter.

"I cannot take Anna to an inn." At that, a big gale slammed into the side of the tent, bending the rod.

"Do you think she will reveal herself?" Thad asked while he pulled the rod back up. Rye peeked out and made sure Anna's tent was still standing. It was. He sighed in relief.

"I do not know. She is desperate to return to the Cliffs of the Midwood... I should not have told her the name."

"We cannot stay out in this. I thought you told her of the dangers of her being found out?" Thad was exasperated.

"I did. I also told her I would kill anyone who would help her."

"And you still think she will reveal herself?" Thad rose his voice in disbelief.

"I do not know." An idea started to form in Rye's mind. "Do you still have some hem leaf?"

"Rye. You cannot," Thadeon pleaded.

"Do you have it?" He asked more sternly. Thadeon nodded. "Mix it for me. We will head to Coldbrook as soon as it takes affect."

"I do not like this, Rye," Thad attempted once more. Rye didn't like it much either, but what choice did he have?

"She will be more likely to forgive me for this than killing someone. Trust me on that, Thad." Thad gave a reluctant nod.

Rye gave a heavy sigh. He was probably making a mistake, but the alternatives were worse. Getting Anna safely to the Northlands was the most important objective. Her feelings were malleable. She may hold a grudge for a little while but she will eventually get over it.

"Do not approach Anna at all. I need to be the one to give it to her, and you can be nowhere near. Yes?"

"I take it you have discovered her gift," Thad mused.

"Yes. We are keeping it between us for now." Rye had to practically shout over the wind. The tent kept leaning heavily to the left and then swinging back again. He needed to get back to Anna.

"I'm going to inform the men of our departure, check on Anna, and come back for the drink." He paused and then, "I know what you must think of me, but I-I love her. She will forgive me." He meditated on those last words and wished them to be true. He then turned and ran back into the rain, with Thadeon gaping after him.

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