Chapter 11

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Rye scoffed at Anna's answer. She used her power to know that Kalowin's wound was festering, he was sure of it. She tried to show indifference, but it was an act. She would allow the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. She was too good to allow harm to Kalo. She would sacrifice her anonymity for others. His heart sprung at the knowledge. He was too selfish and she was too good for him. No wonder she struggled so much with the violence. He knew now how to control her. He could never hurt her again. No more rope, but her kind heart would be all the binding he needed.

She could have foresight or some sort of mind reading abilities. He wasn't sure. He didn't care to press her.

"I'll figure you out eventually," he told her confidently. She merely shrugged.

He hated threatening her, but he didn't want her to run again. She would be hurt out here on her own and if she trusted the wrong person...No. It needed to be done.

"Come walk with me," he ordered her. She gave him a wary look, but followed.


Anna felt a sense of trepidation. Rye wanting to speak to her couldn't be a good thing. They walked a little through the trees in silence, when Rye suddenly stopped and turned toward her.

"Anna, I know you are desperate to return home. I am...regretful that we met in such a way. I do what needs to be done. I cannot afford to be weak, even for a beautiful woman." Anna gave him a scathing look. He'll never know just how horrible that day was for her.

"You killed an innocent boy. Stop trying to justify it to me." She turned and continued to walk.

He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to him. "He saw you. Anyone who sees you will end the same. If you ask another to help you return to the lake, Anna, I will do what needs to be done." Her eyes flashed with fear. He was threatening her!

"You would kill innocent people? Just for seeing my face? Women and children?" She asked, appalled.

He nodded. "I wouldn't enjoy it. But, yes." She gaped at him.

"I don't understand..."

"What do you not understand?" He demanded. His face was a cold mask.

"Why? Because you think I have magic? What would happen if someone saw me? Am I to be hidden forever? I...I would never endanger anyone. I just...this world is dark. You are dark. I don't belong here. I can't stomach this place. It all makes me sick. You make me sick." Rye's eyes flashed with emotion at her speech. She tried to unlatch his hand from her arm, but he held firm.

"I am not all horrible, Anna. I am not a monster. I gave the slave boy an honorable death. I am known as a fair leader among my people. I am a warrior and I will kill when necessary, but I do not do it callously. You and I are not joined yet and we are traveling with only five men. We are strong and skilled but we are not invincible. This is for your safety. When we return to my home it will be better for you. We will be joined and you will be presented to the people."

"You will never convince me that killing defenseless boys is honorable," Anna retorted.

"I rescued you from those men. Trust me, they would have treated you much worse than I have treated you." Anna's blood began to boil. She was his prisoner. He killed in front of her, threatened her, bound her.

"How are you any different? Because you haven't raped me yet?" He flinched.

"I have claimed you and I intend to join with you. You will be protected and cared for. You will walk beside me while I rule." Anna rolled her eyes.

"So am I not to be your whore but your...queen? I can't, Rye! Your people will not respect me. I literally know nothing about this place. I am useless to you."

"You will learn. Throughout our history mages have been linked to warlords. Even if you are "useless" to me, our children won't be."

"What do you mean, 'our children won't be?' The pot inside of her was about to overflow. She started to tremble with rage.

"Mages pass through the female line. Our daughters will be mages and our sons will be strong."

"You can't be serious! Our children! Not only am I too young to even be thinking about having babies, but my children will not be used and manipulated to use their magic for whatever nefarious purposes you have! And if I have a daughter? I am not going to let any misogynistic alpha male drag her away and use her! This world sucks for women. No way! And if I have a son? I am not going to let him turn into a cold killer who thinks he owns a woman. I'm not having children here, Rye. I certainly am not going to have children with you!"

Her anger was a living thing. She couldn't believe his audacity. She expected him to yell at her, but instead he pulled her close to him and brought his lips to hers with an eager kiss. She pushed on him, but his kiss deepened. When he released her she brought up her hand and slapped him in the face.

"Don't touch me again!" She screamed at him, while he rubbed his cheek. His eyes were tender, despite just being hit.

"I think I'm falling in love with you," he admitted softly. She stared at him in shock and shook her head in denial.

"You can't be falling in love with me, Rye. You aren't the first to tell me that. It was never true." The air around them was charged with electricity. They held each other in a stare off, neither willing to be the first to retreat. Her lips tingled from the memory of his kiss. His eyes were fiery, and her's she hoped conveyed her hate. Her heart raced with her fury and her... something. She absently brought her fingers to her mouth and Rye broke and lowered his gaze. Anna quickly dropped her hand, and shifted awkwardly.

"You also just said our children will have magic." Shit, she did talk about her future children having magic.

"I was being hypothetical. So now you are just stuck with a useless girl who will bear normal children. Save your love for an actual mage." Her voice was laced with venom.

"There are no others. Only you." He was speaking so calmly compared to her outrage it made her feel like she was crazy. She didn't think she could handle another minute with him.

"Are you going to tell me more about that?" She snapped.

"No. You are upset. We will discuss it later. Remember what I said. You cannot seek out others to help you, Anna. It would end badly. Do you understand?"

"I understand and I loathe it."

"You can loathe it, but you will obey." She nodded reluctantly. The two walked back to the camp in silence that was thick with tension.

The others had cleaned up camp by the time they returned. She wondered if they heard anything, since they all felt uneasy and awkward upon their arrival.

"Can I ride with someone else?" Anna turned and asked Rye.

"No," He answered quickly.

"I thought these were your most trusted men. I just need a break from you. I'm so angry right now, Rye. Please. I need a little space." Anna couldn't decide what she was more angry about, the fact that Rye would murder innocent people who saw her face or that he wants to join with her so they could procreate magical babies. Probably the latter.

"Alright," he said begrudgingly. He must have realized that Anna would probably throw herself from the horse if she had to sit close to him.

Anna went straight for Ashuek. He was so calm and easy-going she thought that he would be the perfect riding companion for her nerves. Rye, however, looked murderous at her choice and poor Ashuek felt so uncomfortable.

"You want to ride with me? Are you sure? I like to sing while I ride and I am told my voice sounds like two wildcats mating," Ashuek said light-heartedly. Although he was joking, Anna could feel his uneasiness.

"I'm sorry, Ashuek. I will not cause you trouble, I promise. You can sing, however obnoxiously you want to and I will not complain...much." Ashuek gave her a smile.

"Why do you still call me Ashuek? It is Ash. I would not mind your company at all." He exchanged a look with Rye and he pulled Anna up onto his horse and then settled himself behind her.

Cruel Empathy ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon