Chapter 5

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Rye's men weren't horrible like Alstowick and Sashiel. She could tell that right away. She was surprised to see there were only five of them in total. They had to have been outnumbered by at least 3 to 1 when they attacked the camp. She didn't think they lost any of their own number. She felt no hint of grief among them and only one did she feel had a significant injury, but he acted jovial enough. There were only five horses for five men. She could only blame the despicable warlord for ordering them to the deeds that they had done that day. Of the four, three seemed extremely loyal to Ryevin. One of the men, a dark-haired hulk of a man, loathed him in a way that rivaled her own hatred.

Ashuek was hilariously dressed in a large amount of armor. Anna could feel that he was an easy-going soul. Filled with humor and light. He didn't feel any fear for his upcoming fight with the burly Ryevin, only an anticipation similar to what she felt before a track meet. He was definitely the most handsome of the group. He had shoulder length light blonde hair that he wore tied back, bronzed skin from the sun, and a smile that was sure to melt any woman's heart.

"Ashuek, let's finish this!" Rye bellowed. Rye made his way to the small clearing, and like he had promised her, he carried no sword. Ashuek met him and the three remaining men stood off to the side enthusiastically awaiting the diversion. A thrill started to manifest within Anna. She was left standing alone. This could be her second chance for escape!

Anna studied her surroundings. She remembered the horses. She was a fast runner, but she could hardly outrun a horse. Behind her, there was a small rock wall. She could feasibly climb it quickly and take off on the land above. It probably circled back toward the camp. She had to wait for when all the men were completely diverted during the fight. She started shifting her feet back and forth in anticipation.

She gave herself only a ten percent chance of success. Not great odds, but better than nothing. She wasn't going to just wait around and be raped! She was no longer afraid that Ryevin would kill her. She was confident he had other nefarious plans for her. She was pretty sure he wanted her body and her power. The jokes on him though, her power would be practically useless to him. He could torture her with it. She shivered at the thought.

"I, Ashuek, Commander of Ryevin's armies of the Northlands, challenge Ryevin, Warlord of the Northlands, on the behalf of the Last Lady Mage, Anna. May the fates decide!" Ashuek bellowed.

"May the fates decide!" All the others shouted in unison. The fight was on.

Last Lady Mage? Anna would have to dissect that bit of information later. She watched on as the two warriors danced. Ashuek was skilled, she could tell, but Rye was indescribable. Rye anticipated every attack and moved with the grace of a lion. Her face flushed. They had been jesting with her! Those pricks!

She watched the onlookers, and they seemed engrossed in watching their lord. It was a fascinating sight. Rye didn't have a sword, but he was obviously winning. He was clearly only toying with his prey until he decided to end it. Anna wasn't going to wait until then. It was now or never. Anna started backing away quietly, and then spun and took off like a bat out of hell.

They noticed her when she made it to the rock wall. She heard them shouting at her, but she didn't know what they said. She scaled the rocks like a spider.And then she ran, or more like flew. She was certain she would have beat her personal best if it weren't for all the trees she had to dodge. She felt like the wind. Her chest constricted from the exercise. It felt good. It felt familiar.

She started to tire and knew she couldn't keep up the pace for much longer. She looked behind her and couldn't see her pursuers but she knew they wouldn't be far behind. She started coming up with a new plan. Hide and wait. She looked around for a good place, and discovered a large drop off to her left.

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