Chapter 7

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Anna woke up before dawn with her wrists throbbing from the tight rope and a pounding headache. The morning held a bluish hue, and the grass below her was wet with condensation. She sat up and saw Rye asleep with his bare back to her. She traced the pattern of scars along his back with her eyes. She had her own self-inflicted scars, but they were nowhere near as beautiful.

She tried to process through the events of the last twenty-four hours and it only made her feel sick. If she closed her eyes she saw Fin, or she'd remember feeling every injury in a battle. She failed in her escape attempts, but after everything she had been through she was proud of herself. She gave everything she had. She was still alive, and that was something.

She decided she would never tell Rye of her powers. She didn't trust him, and he would only try and use her. If he thought of it he could even torture her without even laying a hand on her. Was he a soulless monster? No, she didn't think so anymore.

The interesting aspect of her empathy was it had always been impossible for her to think of people as entirely good or entirely bad. Alstowick and Sashiel had black auras, but maybe if they had been with their mothers instead of with a group of thugs they would be different people. Maybe they could even do good. Normal people can only judge others based on actions, but she could feel the emotion behind it. She could feel the jealousy, the desperation, the guilt. She could now only judge Rye by his actions, she considered it freeing in a way.

Rye began to stir awake and then he turned to face her. He did have striking eyes. "You're awake," he mused softly. There was a tenderness in his expression when he looked at her. He sat up and stretched his arms and just watched her. She could feel her heart in her throat as they continued to stare at one another. It was too intimate, and it made her uncomfortable.

"Can you untie me?" She motioned her arms to him.

He shook his head. "Until I am sure you will not run or do anything reckless, you will remain bound."

"It hurts," she pleaded.

He gave a heavy sigh."It is temporary. You almost killed yourself yesterday." She cursed him inwardly and looked away.

"How old are you?" he murmured.

"Nineteen," she answered, still facing away from him.

"So old," he replied with surprise. "You were not joined?"

She turned back to him haughtily, "Nineteen is very young where I am from." She purposely ignored his inquiry.

"Were you joined? Coupled?" he asked more intently.

Anna rolled her eyes. "I don't really know what those terms mean. If it means what I assume it does, then it is really none of your business." Anna had dated here and there, but she never had a boyfriend. Every time she got close to a guy she would feel their lust and just become repulsed. It was a problem. Rye didn't need to know about it.

He reached for her neck and she bristled at his touch."My chain represents my claim on you. I give it to the woman I am pursuing and it shows she is under my protection. After our bodies come together, a ceremony will be performed and we will be joined. Being joined is a permanent state. Coupled is when a man and woman are interested in each other but the man is not yet able to lay claim."

"What would keep a man from claiming?" she asked curiously.

"Typically a woman is under the protection of her father. If her father is passed she could be under the protection of a brother or uncle. The woman will wear a different chain with the sigil of her protector. Her protector can deny a pursuer's claim. The man needs to show he will be a good provider and mate for the one he wants. You had no chain. No representation of protection. Any man would have been free to claim you or challenge me for you." She was glad to have some sort of explanation of his culture even if she heavily disagreed with it.

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