Chapter 1

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There's a time in your life where you begin to question your existence, to wonder about the marvels of your world and how you fit into it, where do you even fit into it. What else is out there waiting for you and how do you find it? Sometimes we feel as though we are meant for more than this life has given us, the wind is calling us, the weather is changing and I long for whatever or wherever it could take me.

My name is Gabi, I live a simple life in a small but homely house a few steps back from a small river flowing through our vibrant empire, I live here by myself. I have long flowing auburn hair and hazel eyes, I've often been told that they are a deep golden brown. I am fairly fit or at least I try to be by working around the house and going on long walks. I also work as a maid at the local hotel to earn some extra money. Here, we all make just enough to keep ourselves above water but it also helps that we trade with each other, we are like a small family.

Life has changed drastically, or so I am told, I am the lowest you can get of the elves, I am equivalent to the omega of the wolf pack. The elves like to keep to themselves, they do not like outsiders and they can be quite cruel to us who are at the bottom. How can you tell where someone sits in society, well by their clothes, the way they speak, and their mannerisms, those in the royal family sound completely different to the likes of me. Other creatures to note are witches, wizards, faeries, and gnomes but even then they have their own groups just as we elves do. Their societies are far more intricate and societies rich in history and culture, so much so that I like to read as much as I can about them when I am not working. Sometimes it feels as though they are just mythical creatures because we rarely ever see or hear about them, but they are out there, somewhere. Don't get me wrong, we are rich in history and culture but we are so focused on ourselves that we don't fully bask in the richness of others. I often wonder what it would be like to live amongst others.

I have a 2 bedroom house, with a lounge, kitchen, and bathroom, there is a small garden out the back that leads to the river, in the summer I love to sit out there and read or just sunbathe, the nature is beautiful. It has been hard living alone but I have made some great friends so a lot of the time I am not so alone but rather surrounded and made to feel as though I am not isolated from the rest.

Our kingdom is named after King Cyran which is the Atheldran Kingdom. The structure of elves is rather delicate, you, of course, have your royalty at the top, followed by the high elves or elders, and then just like any society you have your aristocratic elves, soldiers, kings guard, warriors, and then the rest of us who are commoners. How does one end up at the bottom? Well, it's mostly what you are born into really, I have no living family, they were wiped out during the Great War and I only managed to live because I was a child and children were hidden away at that time. We are ruled by a King and have been for the last 1000 years or so as we are immortal. I have seen 221 summers come and go.

In terms of family, elves marry rarely, but when we do so, it is for life. And our lives are long. It is here that my story begins, just like every mundane day, I start my day by having breakfast which if I am lucky is some fruit that I have foraged from the forest which is across the river outside the back of my house. I try to at least once a week go over there and find as much as I can without killing anything. Often, I'll go to the market within the castle walls and buy what I can afford.

Today I am heading to work at the hotel where visiting elves will stay, I could never afford a room there. "Good morning," I say as I pass others in the street, sometimes they don't like to reply as I could potentially ruin their reputation just by association. It doesn't bother me as it use to. As I arrive through the back door as we are not allowed to enter through the main door, I quickly put on my uniform and get to work cleaning rooms that are now empty. Most of the time you barely notice that an elf has been here, we do take pride in ourselves and respect the places we attend but sometimes the rooms can be trashed especially by a higher elf, to them it doesn't matter because either way no one will tell on a higher.

The Elven Princess wlw Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora