Chapter 12

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Word must have spread that other elves had seen me because, by the time I got home, Avy and Kira were there waiting for me. "what have you got yourself into? Once a maid and now an elven warrior to the Princess" Kira spoke, helping me into my house. I smiled as I saw them. "I heard the Princess became very angry at his majesty as soon as she saw that Goblin!" she spoke animatedly not believing it really happened. I waved them off, "Never mind any of that, someone on that council wanted it to go terribly wrong", I frowned, I had figured that as soon as I had seen the beast.

"I heard the Princess became very angry at His Majesty as soon as she saw that Goblin!" Kira continued animatedly, clearly struggling to believe the surreal events that had unfolded. I waved their concerns aside, my thoughts still lingering on the unsettling fact that someone on the council had seemingly plotted for the event to go awry.

I settled into my favorite chair as Kira and Avy started preparing some food for me. Their support in my time of need was something I treasured. "Why would someone want it to go wrong?" Kira asked, clearly puzzled, and I couldn't provide a clear answer. "I'm yet to figure that part out," I admitted, the puzzle of the council's motives gnawing at me.

Kira handed me a cup of tea and offered a warm hug, saying, "I'm so glad you're okay." Just as we were settling into a sense of normalcy, the door swung open, and to our surprise, Princess Lily burst into the room. Her sudden entrance startled us all. Her gaze focused on Kira and me, and Kira promptly let go of me, standing back as a sign of respect.

"Why did you leave?" Lily inquired, her expression displeased. Kira and Avy could hardly believe their eyes; they were meeting the Princess in person. I summoned the courage to stand up for myself, replying, "I wanted to be in my own home."

Lily bent down, her actions defying the usual decorum of a Princess. Her hand rested gently on my knee, and the way she uttered my name sent shivers down my spine. She was dressed in a black corset and matching trousers, her hair slightly disheveled, likely due to the panic she felt when she found I was not there upon her return.

Avy's well-timed cough drew our attention, and her direct question to the Princess introduced a note of formality into the room. "Are you going to be staying, would you like tea, your Highness?" she inquired, making an effort to maintain propriety. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the show of etiquette, while Princess Lily responded with a slight narrowing of her eyes, her countenance betraying a hint of discomfort.

Kira, always the protective and fiercely loyal friend, placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, ready to step in if the situation required it. Her loyalty to me transcended any awareness of Lily's royal status. In a perplexing moment, Lily's gaze shifted to Kira's hand on my shoulder, her expression falling. She whispered quietly, "I will be going, I see I am not needed here." With that, she rose from her seat and hurried out of the house with a swift exit that left me stunned and regretful for not speaking up.

As Avy calmly sipped her tea, her perceptive eyes took in the entire interaction. She was far more astute than most elves realized, and it was clear she had picked up on the underlying tension between the Princess and me. Avy was determined to unearth the truth behind the mysterious connection, and her wheels were already turning.

I muttered, "Just great," feeling a sense of unease hanging in the air. Kira, having now taken a seat opposite me, commented, "Well, she's certainly something." I nodded in agreement, grateful for my friends' support.

They remained with me for a while longer, filling me in on the latest gossip. As the evening wore on, I eventually bid them goodbye, and after they left, I lay in bed, unable to sleep. The events of the day and the unresolved questions weighed heavily on my mind, making it an uneasy night filled with thoughts and doubts that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

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