Chapter 20

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Lily's initial surprise gave way to a mix of emotions — a blend of curiosity, awareness, and a subtle hint of something she couldn't quite pinpoint. Watching Gabi twirl gracefully across the dance floor with Laer.

There was a beauty in the way Gabi moved, a fluidity in her dance that mirrored the strength and grace Lily had often witnessed on the training grounds. The scene unfolded like a painting, and Lily couldn't help but be captivated by the unexpected turn of events. Lily, a silent observer, found herself drawn into the intricacies of the moment, her thoughts echoing the complexities that surrounded her own relationships and unspoken emotions.

It was a last minute decision to attend the festival after Laer convinced me that I should go as well as Damion. As the dance concluded, Laer gracefully led me back towards the outskirts of the dance floor. The festive music continued to fill the air, and the lively atmosphere surrounded them.

"Thank you for the dance, Gabi" Laer complimented with a warm smile, genuine appreciation evident in his eyes.

Laer, ever courteous, continued the conversation. "How have you been? I know it cant have been easy being placed at the border".

I appreciated his thoughtful inquiry and nodded. "Thank you. It's been a mix of emotions, how are you though? Its been a while!".

Laer's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm "I've been very well thank you, I'm enjoying this festival greatly".

I placed my hand on Laer's arm, "please excuse me, I will see you in a bit" I told him, I needed some space.

Observing my departure from the festive dance floor, Princess Lily felt a sudden surge of curiosity and a subtle compulsion to follow. A quiet intuition tugged at her, urging her to understand the currents of the unspoken that seemed to envelop me.

With a graceful stride, Lily navigated through the lively crowd, careful not to draw too much attention.

I was unaware of Lily's silent pursuit and had decided to go to a quieter corner of the festival grounds.

"Why are you here alone?" the Princess came closer, startling me.

I tried not to show the shock on my face but failed, "I needed some space".

The Princess was feeling a mixture of jealousy and impatience, "why were you dancing with Laer?"

Now facing Lily directly, I felt the weight of the unspoken tension between us. I chose my words carefully, "Laer asked for a dance, and it seemed harmless enough. We were just enjoying the festival."

Lily's eyes searched my face, seeking answers beyond the surface explanation.

I could feel Lily's questioning gaze burning me, I met the Princess's eyes with a subtle defiance. "What does it matter to you who I dance with?" I asked, my tone carrying a touch of frustration.

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