Chapter 2

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Kira wanted to look at the clothes whereas Avy wanted to try and spot some royals while I wanted to go home but obviously, we all had to be in attendance, so I went to look at the flowers as they always captivated me. It was hard to get to the front but once I did I was not disappointed, they sold all different types of flowers, small trees, and plants to make medicine with.

I gazed in awe when I did not notice that the person next to me wearing a cloak with their hood up commented. "beautiful are they not?" the first thing I noticed about the girl's voice was how well spoken she was, I then questioned why she would speak to someone as lowly as me.

I did not want to appear rude so I replied. "yes they are, I love the Elanor, it is my favorite" I smiled whilst looking at the golden star-shaped flower. The stranger barely moved before responding, "I agree" was all that she said, I could still not see her face or her hair, it was tucked away yet she could see all of me.

She was just a little bit taller than me. She lent over and asked for one Elanor and handed over some coins, I could see a gold bracelet on her wrist as she stretched her hand out to pay. Well, I guess that was our conversation over with her blunt response.

The owner of the stall handed the flower over to the stranger, the stranger seemed to be looking at the flower closely, I decided it would be best if I kept walking to look at the other flowers but the stranger stopped me.

"Wait" she said.

I turned around to see the stranger facing me as I had been unsure if she was calling to me. This was a strange turn of events, I would usually go to this and not speak to anyone yet here I am conversing with someone far above me. The stranger came closer to me, pulling her hood back a little, I could now see her face.

Her eyes were nothing like anything I had seen before as if she was from another world. She could clearly see I was taken aback by her.

The stranger reached her hands out to me, "I want you to have this, your favorite flower", I was very confused by this gesture, I didn't even know her. I shook my head. "I cannot accept this, I do not even know you". It had crossed my mind that I was being tricked, but the look on her face told me something different.

The stranger pressured again, "Please, go on, take it", I raised an eyebrow at her persistence. This to-and-fro conversation had given me a chance to take her face in even more, I was trying to figure out where she stood, was she an aristocrat, a warrior, or even an elder, I thought that would be silly that an elder would give me the time of day let alone buy me and expensive flower. But still, it made no sense.

Her hand was still outstretched to me and I could see the golden bracelet resting on her wrist once more. "I will not take no for an answer" she quipped. It was always hard to tell how old an elf was just by looking at them and a million thoughts crossed my mind at how old she might be, but it was futile guessing.

I knew this stranger would not give up and it would be perceived as extremely disrespectful if I did not take the flower.

I reached my hand out and took the flower not taking my eyes off the stranger as I did so just in case she did anything, it was always good to be prepared. "Thank you, I am extremely grateful, is there anything I can do for you in return?" the stranger would have known that I did not have money to pay her back and was therefore offering my services to her in other ways such as a maid.

The stranger shook her head and then offered a devilish smile. "yes, dance with me", I was beyond confused, why would she want to be seen with the likes of me.

I followed her to the dance floor hopelessly, wanting this to be over already. "If I am to dance with you, I need to at least know your name because this is quite frankly freaking me out, first you buy the flower and..." I rambled on. "Lily" her one-word answer threw me. She held her hand out to me, "and you are?" she carried on wanting to know my name. "I'm Gabi" I spoke quietly.

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