Chapter 19

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Lily, feeling a renewed sense of agency, nodded in acknowledgment. With a grateful smile, she turned to leave the room, ready to face the complexities of her feelings and the consequences of the decisions that would shape the future of both her personal life and the kingdom.

Princess Lily, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, made her way to the infirmary where Gabi was receiving treatment. The corridors seemed longer, the air heavier, as the weight of the impending conversation settled upon her shoulders.

As Lily entered the infirmary, she found me lying on a bed, my demeanor momentarily softened by the traces of fatigue and vulnerability. The sight tugged at Lily's heart, reinforcing the gravity of the situation

"Gabi," Lily spoke softly, her voice carrying a blend of nervousness and sincerity. I turned my gaze toward the Princess, a mix of surprise and curiosity in my eyes.

"Lily," I acknowledged, sitting up with a respectful nod.

Before broaching the topic of rejoining her security detail, Lily couldn't help but express her genuine concern, "How are you feeling, Gabi? I heard you were in the infirmary, and I needed to see for myself."

My eyes softened, revealing the emotions I had kept hidden beneath my now stoic exterior. "Physically, I'll recover soon. But emotionally... it's been hard, Lily."

Lily nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. "I'm sorry for everything, Gabi"

"You wouldn't even acknowledge me in the market, Lily," my voice carrying a mixture of sadness and resignation. The words lingered in the room, emphasizing the growing distance between us.

Lily, hearing the truth laid bare, sighed in acknowledgment. "I know, and I'm sorry. The court's expectations, my duties, they're suffocating.

Before Lily could say more, the infirmary door creaked open, and Avy and Kira entered, their expressions a mix of concern and disapproval. Their eyes, filled with silent accusations, fixed upon the Princess.

Avy, her tone sharp, addressed Lily, "What's going on".

Kira took a decisive step. With a pointed glance at Lily, Kira signaled for the Princess to step outside the infirmary for a private conversation.

"Princess, can we talk for a moment?" Kira's tone was measured, but the concern in her eyes was unmistakable.

As they stepped into the corridor, Kira turned to Lily, her voice lowered to avoid unwanted ears. "Avy is furious, and I can't blame her. Gabi's been through a lot, and the way she's being treated is not sitting well with any of us."

Lily, her shoulders sagging under the weight of responsibility, nodded in acknowledgment. "I know, I want to fix that"

"you need to understand that Gabi has been more than just a loyal guard to you," Kira began, her voice soft yet firm.

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