Chapter 10

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Ash's pov

I sit down the second door opens. I turn to see who is was. I can't believe this. Why is he here? I stood up & speed walker to the door, but it was locked. "Misty unlock this door!" I yelled, No answer. I ran to the other door. Locked "Ash listen she won't let us out until we solve this." He sighed. "I DON'T CARE GARY! LET ME OUT!" I yelled trying to hide my tears. I sat down hiding my face. Tears where falling on to me knees. "Why... why is this happening to me..." I whispered. I hear foot steps coming closer. I sat there. "Ash please talk to me." "No I have nothing to say to you!" I started to cry harder. "Why did you leave Gary? I loved me. Where you just trying to break me, because it worked." I cryed. "No I wasn't I was trying to save you." He said. I stood up "what is that a supposed to mean? Because if that's true you wouldn't of left me! I've try to kill myself countless times over you! All I wanted to do for two years was either have you back or die!" I cryed pounding on his chest. "Ash I....Team Rocket was going to kill you if I didn't leave. They where hurting you. They wouldn't let me help you, they made me watch the whole thing. When you stop screaming in pain I was happy, but soon got scared I ran to your side. I thought you were dead, but you were just unconscious & if I didn't leave they were going to kill you. So I did, but I'm back now & you hate me. You have the right to." He said looking down in shame. "You still left me you could of took me with you. I loved you, I still love you. So why can't you understand I want to be with you." I cryed grabbing his shirt. I felt a warmth surround me. His chin was on my head. "Your right I should've taking you with me. I'm sorry for being so selfish." He said warmly. He kissed my forehead. "Gary p-promise you will never l-leave me alone again." He looked at me.

Please don't leave me. (Ash X Gary)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora