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So as it turns out because my life is insanely full of luck and coincidences Trevor lives way close to my work. With his limited time once I'm off of work, we decided I'll go over to his place. Not to mention it's only fair for me to see where he lives when he got to see mine.

I'm mentally bracing myself before knocking. What if it's super frat-esque inside there? Oh, god. What if the decor is the ugliest goddamn young guys picked out furniture ever? Hm. Okay, those two things are pretty overlapping. Whatever! I knock on the door.

Not even a few seconds later the door swings open, revealing Z with a big ol' grin on his face. "You got here pretty fast."

"Got lucky in traffic," I say. He opens the door wider and steps to the side. After taking a major deep breath, I walk in. That deep breath comes right back out in a sigh of relief. The decor is fine. It's a nice place. Thank fucking god. Never have I been so relieved the see a living room.

The door clicks shut and Trevor walks past me a moment later. He plops down on the couch and looks at me. "All good?"

"Yeah, I'm just glad this place isn't basically a frat house minus the frat." I shrug and join him on the couch. On the other end. I can feel his eyes follow me the whole way.

"Wow! Wow, okay, I see how it is. Such low expectations."

"Don't blame me, blame the guys who caused such low expectations."

"My mom would never allow that," he says with a laugh.

"When we first moved into our place, we tried putting this stupid like canvas with some quote about drinking on it and my mom hid it once she saw it."


I nod. "We found it in the back of the coat closet a few months ago and gave it to Sunny to put up in his room. Mom doesn't visit him there. She refuses."

"Is he--" He stops and puts a finger up. I try to listen for whatever he is. Then, a door. Z looks over his shoulder at a doorway and smiles at the man who walks into the room. "Hi, Jimbo."

His roommate yawns and looks only at Trevor. Almost as if he doesn't even notice I'm there. I wouldn't blame him, most people don't leave the entire couch between them and the person they're hanging out with. "Hey, man."

"Teagan, this amazing man you see is Jamie Drysdale," Trevor says and Jamie offers me a small wave, finally seeing I'm in the room. "Jamie, this is Teagan Neal. Lakers girl."

"Lakers girl? Could have at least done Blazers girl 'cause that makes it sound like I'm a Lakers fan. Which I'm not because you will not catch me supporting a SoCal team," I say. Their jaws both drop slightly. Ohhh. Right.

Trevor scoffs and dramatically rolls his eyes. "First you accidentally texted me "Anaheim sucks" and now this?"

"He let you into our home," Jamie adds, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I did! This is how you repay me for getting you breakfast?"

"Okay, okay!" I hold my hands up in surrender. "I don't even know the simplest of hockey's rules. I'm a blank slate who knows what'll happen? Maybe I'll open my heart to a SoCal team."

"It can only be the Ducks. You can't like any other team," Trevor argues.

"What if I learn the game and one team has a lot of really cute players? Or since I'm from the Bay Area I feel too much loyalty toward the..." Who the hell is in the Bay? Hockey jerseys growing up always had something like blue and oh! "Sharks?"

"Do you even hear yourself?"

I lower my hands. "Those are both perfectly valid concerns."

"There is nothing wrong with blindly supporting a team. Right, JD?" Trevor looks to him for help.

"Actually, yeah, there kind of is."

"That wasn't even what I was saying either," I point out. "Also, I see what you meant about the nickname thing."

Z smiles at me, giddy. "You are going to love hockey."

"Who said I'm gonna try and get into it at all?"

"Even if you don't soon, I'm sure you'll cave eventually. Either for me or for Tilly."

My phone buzzes in my hand. Speak of the devil.

* * *

full tilt
i think we should make a little celebration
of your first time watching hockey

what are you talking about??

full tilt
there is no way im letting you get away
with hanging out w trevor zegras TWICE
in ONE day and just not watch at least
one game
it'd be horrible of me

i feel like i dont have a choice here

full tilt
you don't!

okay. fine.
when even is the next one

full tilt
literally tmrw night


full tilt
why would i lie about that

just odd to me that theyre still here if
theres an away game tmrw night ? idk

full tilt
prob leaving either tonight or tomorrow
by they you mean z?

jamie too?

full tilt
jamie doesn't go to away games. injury.

:( oh

full tilt
i'm gonna start planning this! yay! excuse
for being extra!

youre welcome

full tilt
might just have to let you get away with
a hug or two

i cant wait to get home now

full tilt
yeah yeah whatever i said might

muah muah muah

* * *

"Earth to Tenner," Z's voice breaks me from my phone. "Didn't realize Jamie and I talking about if you'll get into hockey for me or not could make you so happy."

"Aw, that's 'cause it didn't."

Jamie laughs. "Don't crush his ego too much."

"I'm not sure that's possible," I say.

"Less than twenty-four hours and she knows you like the back of her hand."

"As if he's such a closed book."

"Okay, guys! No teaming up on me," Z cuts Jamie off. "Mainly 'cause one of you is supposed to be my legit teammate and the other knew me before the other."

Jamie takes a seat right in the middle of the space between Trevor and me. "Technically we both knew you before the other."

"You have never come out of your shell this fast, man," Z grumbles while practically glaring at his roommate.

"I have that effect on people," I half-joke. Only half since I do tend to speed up the process of quieter people getting out of their shells. It's a phenomenon, really. Happened with Mira the first time I ever met her.

"All that chocolate is affecting your brain."

"Don't be ridiculous, Trevor."

ready for it? • t. zegrasWhere stories live. Discover now