twenty three

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There's a bee.

Oh. No. Never mind. Even worse, my phone is ringing. I roll over and search for it, eyes closed, in its usual spot on the nightstand. When there are simply a few too many unfamiliar things I open my eyes. Why the fuck am I at Trevor and Jamie's? Whatever. I find my phone on the opposite nightstand, unplug it, and answer it.

"Do you know how early it is?" I ask.

Jack laughs. "Good morning to you too, sunshine."

"It's barely noon for us here on the west coast, thank you very much."

"I told you I'd check in."

Bits and pieces of my night come rushing back. Mainly embarrassing ones. Probably means most of my night was embarrassing. Last I remember, Trevor was with me on the sidewalk offering Lucky Charms. That probably has more to do with the sick feeling in my stomach than the alcohol.

"Holy shit," I whisper. "Oh fuck me."

"That's okay, I'm good."

I rub my eyes, one at a time because one hand is occupied by my phone. "You didn't tell anyone what I said, right?"

"Nope." He hums a little noise that makes it sound like he's disagreeing with himself. "Well, I told your roommate because she demanded I replay what I know for her. After she started going off on me because she thought I was making you cry."




"Madly in love with Trevor?" He finishes.

I sigh. "Not what I was going to say but thanks."

"You're welcome." He laughs slightly. "Okay, I have to go. But you're doing okay, right? Not too hungover? No concussion?"

"Doing great all things considered."

"Okay, bye."


Left with the silence, I crawl out of Trevor's bed. I am pleased to announce I'm clothed. Which, usually, I would not be pleased to announce that while crawling out of a hot guy's bed. With a glance in the mirror, I look a mess and Trevor's USA Hockey hoodie and way too long sweats with the bottoms rolled up seem to emphasize it.

There's no one here for me to impress so I walk out to the kitchen. Mess and all. A small wince leaves me upon seeing the Lucky Charms box still on the counter. Jamie's facing away from me and jumps slightly when I walk up and put a hand on his back.

"Hey, studmuffin."

He smiles at me and then looks away. Then turns back with a frown. "I thought you guys would just go back to yours."

I shrug and drop my hand from his back, turning around to lean against the counter next to him instead. He's making some type of food. A sandwich, I think. I didn't get a good look. Real food sounds meh anyways right now.

We stand in silence. The only noise for a few minutes was his work. And some country song playing quietly from the speaker they keep in their kitchen window. The sound of the front door opening and closing snaps me away from starting to nod along to the song.

"That was the dumbest phone sto—" Trevor stops when he sees me. A smile spreads on his face. "You're up early."

"It's a Saturday, not a Sunday."

He puts a bag down on the counter, pulling a smaller paper one out of it right after. I know what it is without even having to read the logo. Trevor holds it out along with a cup branded the same.

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