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"Trevor Zegras, I told you I was going to get a jersey on my own."

His laugh comes through the phone and some of my annoyance melts away. "I wasn't going to let that happen."

"You were supposed to let that happen!"

"I thought if I had Jimmie give it to you, you'd take it better."

"You used Jamie as a pawn?!"

"It's not as evil as you're making it sound."

"It is as evil as it sounds," I say. "Not only did you do the opposite of what I asked—"

"I don't have to do what you say, Tennessee."

"—you also used the light of my— What?"


"Did you just call me Tennessee?"



"Will you take ''Cause you're the only ten I see,' and be less upset about the whole jersey thing?"

"No, because I don't take cheesy lines."

He laughs softly at that one. "Sure. I was thinking last night after you hung up on me. Tenner, Ten, Tennessee."

"That's a good one, babe."

"Thanks, honey."

I glance at Jamie, suddenly very aware he's able to hear half of this conversation. "Seriously, I've never heard that one. I've heard most things that can come from Ten but somehow not that one."

"You like it?"

"Not as much as I would have liked to have gotten a jersey myself."

"Back to this, huh?"


"Teagan," he copies. A muffled voice comes right after. To my relief, it sounds like it's Mason or one of his other teammates. To my relief? "Sorry. Going to dinner and apparently, I'm taking too long."

"Don't let me hold you up," I say.

"I'd let you do anything. Except buy a jersey for yourself."

"Haha. Go to dinner, Z."

He doesn't answer for a moment. Like he's having to stop and consider what to say. "Yeah. I'll talk to you later."

"Of course, you will."

"Bye, Teags."

"Bye." As soon as I say it, he hangs up. I stare at my phone for a few moments. Trying to dissect the conversation as much as possible. Figure every last second of it out. Not like it was super cryptic or mysterious or anything. I just want to. Have to.

"'That's a good one, babe.'" Jamie mocks, putting on a higher pitch.

"Jealousy isn't cute on you, J," I try to shoot back. It doesn't land quite right. My heart isn't in it.

He frowns, leaning forward. "You okay?"

"Of course I am. I'm great."

"Something's been up since we went to dinner with Mason," he says with such adamancy I nearly thought he knew exactly what's been going on.

"Has anyone told you how charming you are?"

"Don't even try it. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's, like, wrong," I mumble. The way Trevor looked with the halo of light around him right before I kissed him fills my mind.

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