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I'll be there in 30
Want me to come get you or text
when i pull up?

lmao til has her guy over i'm having to go
out the back gate

Her guy??

she has this mystery guy that we aren't
allowed to meet that she goes on dates with
and shit nd it's like the longest time she's kept
a guy around
it's weird but it makes her happy so
i think i like him!

You're gonna be saying that at their
wedding too

only way tilly gets married is a drunk
decision in vegas, her words not mine
it's also the only way she thinks i'll get married

Ya never know

you better not be texting and driving.

I'm waiting for Jamie to be ready to go
He takes forever

im sure it takes effort to look as good as
he does all the damn time

Probably is putting in more effort just for you

i dont know how strong i can be if that's
the case
if you see me fold at dinner ignore it

He's ready

does he look extra good?

Gotta wait and see
I'll text you when we get to yours

drive safe <3

* * * * *

The passenger side door of Trevor's car is wide open in the driveway. I can hear Trevor's laugh before getting to said wide open door. His laugh falls short but the smile from it stays once he sees me.

"Did you make Jamie get in the back?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes. "Jamie did it on his own."

"Aw, JD, you're too good to me," I joke, climbing in with a laugh. Once I buckle, I reach my arm back and pat Jamie's leg a few times. "How's it going, my one and only?"

"Better now that you're here," he says with zero hesitation. Bit of a shock but I'm not complaining.

Trevor laughs. "She's rubbing off on you, buddy."

"Please, that was a Trevor line if I've ever heard one." My hand reaches over and nudges his shoulder.

He catches my hand before it gets back to my side of the center console. If Jamie's paying any attention, he isn't showing it. I am paying so much attention. My face warms up real fast and I don't know why but I wish it didn't. Z has this look in his eyes whenever he's about to do something... I don't know. Mischievous. It comes before stupid jokes for the most part.

It's barely there. I'm sure most people wouldn't have noticed it. I'm paying so much attention that I do. He glances in the rearview before pressing a kiss to the back of my hand and letting go a second later. Hello? I-- Wait. That happened. Now, we're moving on. Alright. Whatever. It's casual.

* * * * *

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