- Chapter 3 -

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I followed Xavier a few days ago, along with pretty much half of the Sharks fans. What I didn't expect is that he'd follow me back. I didn't think he'd know who I was, I mean I'm just a hockey player. I don't think it's that impressive, it's not like a lot of people know who I am.

The best part of this though, is that Kayla is extremely jealous. Which in my opinion is fucking hilarious.

"That is not fair, not only do you get to live in the same city as him he also knows who you are." Like I don't fucking know that, it's weird. Sure, a lot of people follow our league but for a NHL player to know who I am? Shit.

"I didn't think he'd know who I am?" Her eyes widen at that, like what I'd said is something weird or unreasonable. "You are the best player in the league Sienna, you may be humble, you definitely shouldn't by the way, but you are going to be noticed." Great to know, thanks for that Kayla.

"You should be a spokesperson." I tell her sarcastically, however she clearly takes it as a compliment. "Thank you." She smiles at me and I do feel bad now, mainly for not meaning what I said.

Today we have a skate session with the fans, which is fun sometimes but we can have some douchebags sometimes. It's never fun when there's a lot of them, since we can't walk away we have to stay the whole time.

When I first joined the team two seasons ago now, some people would purposely spray me with the ice. Now I watch other people on the team have it happen to them, I know how they feel and it's upsetting knowing that fans don't like you that much.

"Come on, we've gotta go." I tell her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet easily. She groans as she gets up. "You make me feel small." She says crossing her arms, making me look at her with confusion evident on my face. "You're literally taller than me."

I'm 5'10, she's 5'11. She's not much taller but depending on what shoes she wears she usually ends up looking taller than me. She shakes her head at me, before speaking. "Not by that much."

"Alright, stop arguing with me. Let's go before we're late." I grab my skate bag on my way out and head to my car.


I like skating, when I was younger I wanted to be a figure skater. It just never worked out for me, I injured myself and I gave up. Hockey just made sense at the time, I wouldn't have to jump, spin or anything really. I could skate and still have a competition.

Plus my brothers played hockey when we were younger so they helped me too. I find it funny now that I play hockey and they don't. They're both married and have other priorities, I don't.

Hockey has been my life since I signed here, I do feel that sometimes I can focus on other things I just don't. Ever, I think that's my weakness. I'm not really a people person. I hang out with Kayla and that's it.

Honestly I'm going to try meet people when I move I swear. I'm lying, I won't I'll be trying to make a good first impression, then I'll try meet people.

Dating is a big no no. That is a waste of time, for now anyways. It's not something I worry about, I'm 19. I'm in no rush.

"Earth to Sienna." Kayla is in front of me waving her hand in my face, I grab it suddenly startling her. "Shit, you okay?" She asks and again now I feel bad.

"Sorry, I'm good. Just daydreaming." I tell her, and she nods. We're stood in the middle of the ice while everyone else is skating around. Well a few are stood still but most are skating still. God knows how, rentals kill my feet. I don't know how they can wear them this long.

"Want to go to Walmart after this and spend a shit ton of money?" She offers and it makes me smile. "Please." This is one of our favourite pass times.

"Let's start skating again, people are staring." She says, gently tugging on my arm. I roll my eyes at her and shove her shoulder, "Of course they're staring. You ass."

"Hey." She says and shoves me back harder, I just start laughing at her.

I turn around and there's a girl behind me, she can't be older than 7, 8? She's with a guy who I recognise, he must be around my age.

"Sorry for bothering you, my sister just wanted to know is you would sign her jersey. You're her favourite player." He says, holding his sisters shoulders. She has the widest and cutest smile. "No, no don't worry about it. I don't mind." I crouch down to meet her, "What's your name?"

"Summer!" She smiles at me and turns around so I can get to her back. Her brother, hands me a marker and I sign her jersey quickly. "There you go." I let her turn around and she hugs me. I was a little bit shocked at first but I embrace it. Mainly because I haven't been hugged properly in a while.

"Summer." He whispers, he didn't expect it either. I can imagine that he probably wanted her to do that, maybe because it may have seemed weird.

I smile at him, shaking my head at him softly. "No, don't worry about that. I don't mind." I stand back up again, brushing the snow off my legs. His sister skates away and he stays, "She really looks up to you, I really appreciate that. You made her day." I smile at his words.

"She's a cute kid." I tell him, looking over to where she skated to. He shrugs his shoulders, looking in her direction with me. "She's okay." He says sarcastically. 

"Nice skates, by the way." I tell him, I've been admiring them a little. I'm a little jealous.

"Thanks, they're new." They look it, they are pristine. Mine are a little battered now, I'm definitely due a new pair. New team, new skates.

"Thanks again though for my sister." He repeats, looking at me again. He just looks so familiar, it's weird. He looks good, I'm not going to lie. Maybe I've been looking at him too long, because he's looking at me weird. "Uhm, yeah. No worries." Once he skates away, I turn around to Kayla and pinch the bridge of my nose. "That was bad." I groan and she looks confused and in awe.

"You talked to a guy." She points out, as if that wasn't obvious already. I do talk to guys, if I have to. I barely ever do it because I want to. "Yeah, no shit." I say, she's making me feel worse. She rolls her eyes at me, pausing before responding. "You know what I mean, he's hot too."

"Do you not think he looks familiar." I ask her, she tilts her head while she thinks. She looks over at him again as he skates around with his sister. "Maybe? I don't know he's hot that's all I know."

I shake my head at her slightly, I've now got to last the rest of the day with her telling me what she thinks about him. I think back to our conversation and I think about his skates. Those are expensive ass skates, they definitely aren't second hand. They are brand new, does he play hockey?

We skate around in the same direction as everyone else, we sort of blend in with the fans that are wearing their jerseys. I think that benefits us, it's not like I don't want to meet fans because Summer was really sweet but I have found that it drains me.

"Hold on, come with me." Kayla grabs my hand and pulls me to centre ice, she scans the people skating and notices the boy I was talking to. "I figured out who he is!" She exclaims happily. Which worries me to a point I can't explain. "Who is he?" I ask her and she looks at me as if I'm going crazy.

"It's him!" She squeals right in my ear.

I raise my eyebrow at her in confusion, saying him isn't very helpful in situations like these. "Him.. who?"

"Xavier Rhodes!"

You have to be joking me. I didn't even notice?

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