- Chapter 23 -

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He's coming here, to his house to hear me out. That's what he said like ten minutes ago, he just landed.

I look like utter shit, I may have had a game but I look and feel exhausted. My under eye bags are really big now, they're getting significantly darker too.

Safe to say I haven't really played my best lately, which normally I'd kick myself over but I'm still over 20 points away from every other player and my teams still winning the league so I'm not complaining I don't think anyone else is either.

We didn't really talk after our initial conversation either, I mean I asked him where he would meet me when he got here as I assumed that he didn't want me there. I don't really know why but I went with it and this is where we are.

I did try to make myself look somewhat presentable but when I tried to put my makeup on I just started crying again so I left it. I never really wore makeup ever but I've started wearing it recently due to scars and shit I have on my face. I wouldn't say I'm insecure of them but they aren't something I'm particularly proud of.

Also hr never gave me a time, I'm just guessing he's going to show up. He wont message me before, I'm just getting that idea. I could obviously be wrong.

I don't want this to be over, I really don't want that. He made a promise to me, we still haven't done what we said. Apart from get married but that really isn't the point or what's on my mind right now.

He promised me that one day he'd teach me on my own to score a wrap around. You may be wondering how the fuck haven't I managed to score a wrap around in three years? Well, I did it once accidentally. I don't count that though because I've never been able to do it since. It's probably one of the easier ways to score too, which pisses me off more every time I miss one.

Which brings me back to him, I really fucking miss him. I've been considering taking my ring off just for today. I don't see how that would help though, he may think I'm moving on? That makes me look out to be a douche. But if I keep it on would that make me look crazy? This has been my thought process literally all day.

"Sienna! What did I say about locking this damn door!" Kayla calls out from the foyer, I notice her come around the doorway and she looks at me for a minute, "shit, you look rough have you been drinking?"

"Thanks Kayla, I haven't been drinking. This is what 7 hours of sleep in three days does." I gesture to my face and she smiles slightly. Not enough to bring me comfort though.

"Sorry, too soon?"

"Definitely." I groan, sitting up to greet her. I'm tired but I can't sleep, I've eaten but not nearly enough. "He's coming though, today?" She asks and I just nod.

"What are you going to do? You can barely talk to me." She asks, and I honestly can't say she's wrong. I was okay talking to her originally but it's got too hard the longer he's away.

"I don't know." I admit, running one of my hands through my hair, which I really need to wash.

"Okay, do you have any idea of what to say?"

"Not really, I'm going to try explain the pictures but I don't know if it'll cover my ass."

"That's a start, what if he doesn't listen, what if he doesn't believe you?" Way to make me feel worse, gosh.

"That's helpful."

"That's not what I meant, you need something else. You love him and he loves you, you need to prove that."

"Easier said then done, we aren't conversation people." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Clearly. If you were this wouldn't have happened."

"Again, very helpful."

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