- Chapter 27 -

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A lot of people I know have their pre-wedding celebrations the night before. Some of my friends did anyways, honestly I would've done that however I don't want to be hungover the morning of my wedding.

So that's what we're doing today, we're both taking our friends and getting fucking shit faced. We don't really drink during the season anymore so this will be the best opportunity in a while that we've had.

"You look really hot." I don't think this is particularly traditional, I mean after today we won't see each other till we get married anyways. I think we're allowed most of today until everyone gets here and then we separate.

I look in the mirror again, he's holding me from behind, resting his head dangerously close to my neck. "Thank you." I wouldn't say I look slutty, I don't think I do. I saw this dress a few days ago and it's amazing. I'm definitely not an emo but black is definitely my colour.

"Is the dress nice?" I ask, making eye contact with him in the mirror. "Definitely, you look amazing, baby." I smile slightly, tilting my head to the side, giving him room to kiss my neck.

"I want you so badly." He mutters, I turn around to face him. Luckily we've got just under an hour, hopefully I won't need more time. I'm going to kill him if I do, I really don't want to be late.

"Hm." The fact that I don't have my shoes on yet means he's actually a bit taller then me, it's really unfair. Why couldn't I be just 2 inches taller? "Fuck."

We're definitely going to be late.


"How many have you had?"

"Two? Maybe three?" I've definitely had more, but honestly I'm too out of it to keep count. Maybe I did at first I just can't focus on that right now. "Liar." I don't know who's worse for drinking me or Kayla. I'd say me though, especially today. I don't think she's really drunk anything.

"Maybe, how many have you had? You seem normal?" I'm shouting now, I feel like I do that. The more drunk I get the louder I get. I also get more hungry, I really want food right now.

"One? I didn't really drink it though." I frown at her, she seems off today, it's really concerning. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, it's my mom. She's not doing so well."

"Shit, what's up?" I'm close to her mom, she's supposed to be coming. Maybe she messaged saying she wasn't? I left my phone at home.

"She's getting bad again, if you get what I mean." I do, whether I'm out of it or not I get what she means. Her mom goes through phases of depression, she has for years. Honestly none of us know what's triggering it.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, okay? Enjoy your night." I plan to get even more drunk now, I can't worry about her. I'll be anxious for ages if I do, knowing she's not okay and we're both here drinking. Well I'm drinking. Her sister is here too and I think she's drinking, I caught up with her earlier and she had a drink so maybe she doesn't know? I'm not really sure.

"Let's dance!" My brothers wives are here, I don't think I spend enough time with them because they are really fun people. My brothers are assholes but I still love them.

"Okay! Be careful, yeah?" I take Hannah's hand but check in with Kayla quickly. She nods and pushes me slightly, smiling as me as I'm getting dragged away.

I want her to have fun too, I'd rather her not stand in a corner alone. I know how shitty that feels.

"Is she okay?"

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