Chapter 34

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I furrowed my brows at Saskia, dragging my bottom lip into my mouth as I kicked at the fine sand beneath my feet, watching as it blew away in the wind.

"Yes, I am," I told her, nodding, wanting to keep chit chat to a minimum with her. It was evident that she didn't like me very much, and I didn't trust her not to do anything to me.

I remembered how Cole had said that he didn't trust her either.

"You know, the dining hall is really struggling since you decided to cut your shifts shorter," Saskia told me, and I grimaced at her, cocking my head.

"The doctor told me I had to," I mentioned.

I would have been more than happy to take on my usual hours in the kitchen, but nobody thought it would be a good idea to do so, especially Cole, a part of me wondering if he had told the doctors to tell me to cut my shifts in half since he was so worried.

"I know," Saskia replied, sighing. "You had a concussion."

"That's correct."

I noticed how Saskia studied me, taking an intimidating step forwards and looking me up and down slowly, chuckling to herself.

Did I amuse her?

What was so funny about me?

"That wouldn't have happened if you weren't a human."

I mentally recoiled at her words, frustrated. Peter and Saskia clearly had their hang ups about humans, and they definitely didn't like the fact that I was going to be their future leader, but, I couldn't help what I was.

It wasn't as if I asked for any of this.

"I know that, but it happened, and there's nothing we can do about it," I responded, fed up of her shit. "I have learned my lesson about being more careful."

"I can't believe how unlucky Alpha Cole got being mated with a human."

"Look Saskia," I said with gritted teeth, wanting to do nothing more than to walk away from this conversation entirely, but I knew that wouldn't go down too smoothly. I didn't want to risk getting her mad and outing me as being a hunter. "I'm sorry about what happened between us. I am, but you need to understand what I was brought up believing. I have changed my mindset now."

I peered around, ensuring that nobody was within hearing distance. watching how a few kids zoomed past us, completely captured in their own little worlds, chatting amongst themselves.

"I don't care if you are sorry, Reya," Saskia spat, crossing her arms across her chest, laughing at me.

"Well that's your problem then," I told her, spinning around, just wanting to head back to Cole's house. Saskia was beginning to make my blood boil, and I was far too stressed right now to be having this conversation.

We were never going to see eye-to-eye, but to me, that was okay. We just needed to stay out of each other's way. I didn't care if she didn't like me, because I wasn't a huge fan of hers either.

"Do you know why I was out that night whilst you were hunting?" Saskia asked me, and I turned towards her with narrowed eyes, noticing how she quietened her voice once she said the word 'hunting'.

She was clearly still afraid to be banished, and was wanting to keep it hidden so she could remain in the pack, but she wanted to scare me a little, making me think she was going to say it too loudly and spill my secret.

"No," I said, shaking my head.

I had never really thought about why Saskia had ventured outside her territory when she had weakened. To me, it seemed careless, and Amara and Tirus seemed to agree, mentioning she had 'little self control'.

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