Chapter 72

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Cole and I rushed to Finn's tent, his yelling easy to hear from outside of it. I gasped as I felt Cole grip onto my waist, pulling me to his chest and pushing me behind him.

"I'm going first," he grumbled, pulling open the flap to the tent, revealing a red faced Finn being pinned down by multiple men. The doctors stood by and watched with uncomfortable expressions as the warriors ordered Finn to calm down.

I noticed the way they weren't even applying much pressure to him as they kept him down on the ground. They didn't need to. They were much stronger than Finn, and even with adrenaline pumping through his veins, he was no match for the wolves.

"Get the hell off of me!" Finn screamed, flailing his limbs out as he attempted to shove one of the warriors from his back, and he slammed his fist down onto the ground in frustration when the wolf on top of him didn't budge. "Where am I? Get off me! I don't know any of you!"

I cringed as his voice cracked, his throat sounded dry, and when I tried to take a step forwards, Cole pulled me into his chest. I gazed up at him to see his jaw taut as he manoeuvred around me, holding onto my shoulders to look into my eyes. "Don't go near him until he's settled, okay?"

Cole was concerned about me getting hurt in the crossfire which I understood. One hit from Finn, and I would probably be out cold. I was strong for a human, but so was he, his muscles bulging out of his ripped shirt.

"Finn," stated Cole, attempting to keep his voice low as he moved closer. "You need to calm yourself down. You're going to hurt yourself."

"He already has," mumbled one of the doctors as they nodded towards his chest. Blood seeped from his bandage, and it looked like he had ripped open his stitches.

"Where's Reya?" demanded Finn, and I took a step forwards, only to be glared at by Cole who shook his head at me, telling me to not go any nearer.

"I'm here, Finn," I spoke calmly. "Please just relax. You're okay." I wandered over to him, much to Cole's dismay, crouching down next to him and placing my hand on his arm comfortingly. Cole watched my every move, but I pretended I hadn't noticed. It wasn't the time for him to be jealous.

One of the wolves clambered off Finn hesitantly, holding his hands out in front of him to show him that he wasn't going to cause Finn any harm. Once Finn stilled, the other warriors did the same.

One of the doctors took a step forwards, fiddling with their glasses on top of their head. "I understand this is all a shock, but-"

"I woke up with you wolf creeps staring down at me and prodding me with a needle, so yes, it's a shock." Cole didn't seem to enjoy Finn's tone, and he released a low growl before shaking his head to himself and realising it wasn't worth it. Finn was just taken aback by the situation, and he didn't know where he was. He was surrounded by people he didn't recognise, so it was fair for him to act the way he had.

Finn's choice of words didn't go unnoticed amongst the 'wolf creeps' though, and they narrowed their eyes at him and muttered between themselves, the doctors releasing sighs as they scratched at the back of their heads uncomfortably. Finn had never been around wolves before, and I was aware that it was going to take a significant amount of time before he began to trust them. That was, if he was going to stay.

"I don't remember much," Finn mumbled, running his hand down his face and gazing at his chest, cringing at the blood. It caused the doctors to spring into action once Cole gave them approval, and they slowly approached Finn with innocent smiles as they explained to him that they were only trying to help.

Luckily, he allowed them to begin working on him as I tried to jog Finn's memory of everything that had happened. "Markus had linked himself to Cassia, remember? He tried to kill you."

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