Chapter 53

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I stood in shock, watching Cole as his jaw tightened, turning and quickly making his way down the stairs, beginning to bark orders at Rowan.

"Okay, Amber, do you know what's happening?" I asked her as I took her hand, offering her a small smile. I was shitting myself, but, I needed to remain composed for her. She was just a child and I imagined that being evacuated was going to be pretty traumatic for her, especially since her own Mother couldn't come with her. She was far too sick and would never make the journey.

Amber nodded as she licked her lips, looking anxious. "I'm supposed to go to the evacuation meeting point."

Cole had informed me on what was going to happen to everyone being evacuated, them having been put in two groups. One would leave roughly ten minutes after the other, so as not to create too much traffic and keep everybody walking at a steady pace. There were children and elderly people there though, as well as wolves who couldn't shift when they weakened, so the trek up the mountain was going to be hard.

It would take them all day to reach the camp that had been set up for them, equipped with food, water and tents.

I had my own camp set up, but, it was on the other side of the mountain because even wolves who couldn't shift got the urge to kill humans, and they would be able to easily overpower me.

Moving over to the plant pot, I snatched up my boxes of sleeping medication, emptying them from their bulky cardboard and shoving the packets into my sports bra. I was unsure why I was taking them, but I was worried that Cole would find them here when I was gone.

I also was unsure if I would need them. There was a chance that Cassia was going to meet me if she managed to leave when my colony left their land to attack. I still felt guilty about even considering drugging the girl, and I was hoping it wasn't going to come to that.

"Reya! Amber needs to go back home now!" Cole called up to me, and I cursed under my breath, my heart beating out of my chest.

"We're coming," I breathed as I held onto Amber's small hand, leading her down the stairs and into the open kitchen where Rowan was stood with his back against the wall. I could tell that he was trying not to slouch, but he appeared to be in pain, just like Cole was.

"Is Anthony coming to get her?" Rowan asked me, looking down at Amber with narrowed eyes. It was apparent he wasn't a huge fan of children.

"I mean, if he has felt himself weakening then I'm sure he's on his way," I responded, Cole passing me a map, his fingers brushing against mine, causing sparks to ignite along my skin.

"Hold onto this," he told me, giving me a nod. "I'll be back to send you off, but I need to get the vulnerable out first. They'll take much longer."

I understood what Cole meant. I was just one person who had a high fitness level. Hiking up the mountain was going to be much easier for me than a large group of vulnerable people. I didn't blame him for needing to get them out first. It was what I also wanted him to do.

"Rowan," Cole barked, clearing his throat straight after, the action seeming to have irritated it. "Brief Reya on what's about to happen. I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

Cole moved closer to me, planting a quick kiss to my lips before dragging himself away and out of the house, the front door slamming harshly behind him.

"Shouldn't you go too if he's evacuating people now?" I asked with furrowed brows, looking down at Amber who was sat on the hardwood flooring, but she shook her head.

"I'm in group two," she spoke, looking to be daydreaming slightly.

Rowan cleared his throat in an attempt to get my attention, and I snapped my eyes to him, gulping.

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