Chapter 51

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"This is bullshit," I muttered to myself as I flicked through the pages of the book in front of me. The past four days, I had been visiting the library along with Rowan, trying to find information on wolves when they weakened. I wanted to know if there was a definitive answer on if they would harm me.

I was their Alpha's mate, and a part of me thought that their wolf would tell them not to touch me despite the thirst to kill me, but, I wasn't sure.

I could tell that Rowan was bored, and he would often bring his folders with him to do some work while I read, but, I had to be pretty sneaky with the books that I picked up, hiding the one I was actually reading behind some cheesy romance novel. Rowan couldn't know what I was trying to find information on what happened when the wolves weakened.

It would look suspicious and he would inform Cole. I wouldn't be able to lie to him.

I scanned the room for Rowan, noticing that he had shifted his chair so he could lean back into it while scribbling down some notes in his notebook. He was giving me my space which I appreciated, but I often noticed how his eyes flashed to me for a few brief seconds, seeming to check that I was still there.

I sighed, flipping yet another page, scanning the words and finding nothing that I was interested in. I understood that it wasn't overly common for Alphas to be mated to humans, but, I figured that it must have occurred before. There must have been some sliver of information on it somewhere, even if it was just one sentence.

Rowan eyed me up from across the room, glancing at the clock on the wall, signalling to me that it was time to head home. Cole would be back from work soon, and I knew that Rowan had some training sessions to oversee. He couldn't stay with me the whole day.

I nodded at him, getting up and sneakily placing the book that I was reading back in its place, sliding the romance novel right next to it. I stood staring at the spines of the books, scanning them quickly in a last ditch attempt to find something, but it felt as if I had read almost all of the books to do with wolves weakening that I could find.

"Are you ready?" I heard Rowan's voice from beside me, and I jumped, startled by his sudden appearance.

I span around, nodding, and Rowan began to set off, his legs moving quickly. I followed him, moving at a significantly slower pace, analysing the books as I went past, my eyes lighting up once they settled on a small section in the corner of the room.


Maybe I had been looking in the wrong place.

As we passed it, I swiped one of the books into my hands, taking in the front cover. It was a muddy brown colour, red wording plastered on the front in a fancy font, and I quickly tucked it under my arm, hiding it with my cardigan.

I wasn't one for stealing, but this was more borrowing. I would return it once I was done with it. I didn't have time to check it out, and couldn't risk Rowan seeing me do so.

Rowan didn't look in my direction until we had made our way down the steps and out of the library. I offered him a small smile, following him down the path leading towards Cole's house.

"Have you heard anything from Cassia yet?" I asked, but, I already knew the answer. If they had, Cole would have told me right away, but, I was desperate to make conversation to keep Rowan from becoming suspicious.

He cleared his throat, shaking his head. He hadn't been in the mood to speak the past few days, and I could tell that he was growing tired of babysitting me. He was one of the only people here that Cole trusted though.

It hadn't been long, but I was still frightened for Cassia. I was having dreams about her, and I would wake up in a panic, imagining Markus executing her publicly along with my Father, laughing evilly, taunting me.

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