Chapter 40

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Rowan had dampened my mood, my emotions heightened due to the alcohol. I wanted to shout at him and accuse of him of being the informant himself, but, I knew better than to allow my anger to get the best of me.

He probably wanted to see how I reacted, and if I crumbled under the pressure.

I made my way into Cole's bedroom, hitting my shoulder on the wooden door harshly, causing Cole to growl out of frustration.

I was well aware that I probably looked like a bit of a drunk mess, but, I was past caring. Despite the fact that I felt confident, I also felt pissed off and upset at the same time.

It was confusing me.

Brushing my teeth, I stripped out of my clothing, leaving them in a pile on the bathroom floor, gazing at myself in my underwear, frowning once I noticed how my muscles had shrunk.

I looked skinnier now- from a combination of eating poorly and not working out recently, being too busy working or stressing to do either.

Although, my diet back at the colony wasn't great. Affording meat was hard, so we had to fill up on beans to get a good amount of protein in to grow muscle.

I finished up in the bathroom, raking my fingers through my hair in an attempt to try and detangle it a little from the wind, but, I eventually gave up and slid into bed.

Cole had already stripped down to his underwear, and I wondered why he was also getting into bed when it wasn't even that late. He liked to stay up. He probably wanted to make sure I didn't choke on my own sick. That had happened to someone back at my colony once, and it was a shock to learn that he had died just because he had decided to drink a few too many.

I gulped as Cole cocked his head at me, and my eyes trailed down his chest, lingering on his tattoos. The ink was intricate and detailed, but, I struggled to make sense of what the images actually were, my eyes blurry and the only source of light being the dim table lamp next to him.

"What do these mean?" I asked him, my fingertips pressing against his skin, sliding down his muscle and tracing the circular patterns.

"It was a design my Father drew," Cole admitted, his pupils becoming blown out as he sighed in satisfaction, clearly enjoying my touch.

I furrowed my brows. I had never asked Cole about his family life, feeling it was too personal, but, I was intrigued to know why I had never met his parents. I had gathered that they were either deceased or lived somewhere else.

"Does your Father like drawing?" I questioned, and Cole nodded once, his eyes darting down to where my hand now was, lingering by the skin of his lower stomach.

"He did," Cole told me and I decided not to pry, nodding in understanding.

Cole cleared his throat as I fiddled with the waistband of his underwear, my arousal growing all of a sudden once I noticed how his hard cock was flush up against the fabric.

I licked my lips, focusing on my mate as I began to push his underwear down, my eyes widening when I felt him grab my wrist, his hand tight around it.

I gazed up at him as he raised his eyebrow at me, his jaw tensing and untensing as he exhaled loudly, releasing my hand.

Cole offered me a tiny smile before pulling me to his chest and stroking down my back, fiddling with the clasp of my bra but not undoing it.

Did he know what he was doing to me? This teasing was not funny.

"I've realised I haven't asked you much about your old life, Reya," Cole spoke into my shoulder, planting a quick kiss on it. "If you would be willing to tell me about it tomorrow, I would be more than happy to listen."

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