Chapter 48

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Cole continued to knock on the door to our bedroom multiple times, but I ignored him. It wasn't locked, and we both knew that he could just open it and walk right in if he wanted to, but he didn't.

I still didn't know what to do regarding my Father. Markus had made a hell of a threat, and had practically confirmed that somebody was working on the inside for him, feeding back information. I just didn't understand why anyone here would do that though. What did Markus have that they wanted? What was Markus offering in exchange for information?

Or, was somebody just so intent on getting rid of me that they didn't need a bribe?

"Reya, you've been in there for hours," Cole spoke from the other side of the door, and I heard him clunk his head against it, groaning. "Just please come and take a look at the letter I've written for Markus. I'd really like you to give me your opinion on it."

Releasing a heavy sigh, I rolled over in the bed, my muscles complaining as I did so. "I trust you to have spelled everything correctly," I said sarcastically, and Cole chuckled, huffing.

"I'm sorry that I've upset you," he continued, clicking his tongue. "I just want to keep you safe. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you."

Hearing his words caused my heart to flutter, and I cursed at the mate bond for making me internally like what Cole was telling me. I was aware that he wanted to ensure my safety, but he couldn't expect me to stay cooped up inside receiving little to no socialisation. I would spiral.

My stomach grumbled, and I rested my hands over it, realising how hungry I was.

"I can hear your stomach growling, Reya," Cole told me. "Just please come downstairs and have something to eat."

At the mention of food, my ears perked up, and as much as I didn't want to speak to Cole, I allowed myself to cave. Sliding off the bed, I moved slowly to the door, pulling it open slightly to reveal a concerned looking Cole. He smiled at me sadly, offering his hand out for me to take.

Biting on my bottom lip, I took it, allowing him to lead me downstairs. My gaze was glued to the ground as my mind raced, and I prepared myself to have to read through the letter that Cole was planning to send to Markus to trick him into believing that he kept humans here against their will.

I was shocked though when I saw the dining table had been pulled out, a red cloth having been placed over it, a few candles set on top. Plates, glasses and cutlery were out, and I gulped, feeling instantly guilty for my reaction earlier.

Cole and I weren't seeing eye-to-eye and I knew that the best thing to do was take myself away from the situation so I could give myself time to wind down and think about everything rationally. I just hated the idea of being stuck inside with nobody to talk to. The thought frightened me.

"I'm making pasta," Cole spoke, moving over to the stove, the smell of tomatoes hitting me instantly, causing my stomach to grumble yet again.

I felt my face turn hot, and I followed Cole over to where the food was cooking, gazing down into the pot.

"I understand why you aren't happy with me, Reya," Cole said as he began to stir the sauce, seasoning it to taste. "I don't expect you to be okay with the decision."

I sighed, my lungs expanding as I breathed out, grinding my teeth together. "After you've spoken to Amara, Tirus and Anthony, can I see them?"

Cole looked cautious as he drained the pasta, taking more than thirty seconds to answer me. "You can see them as long as I or Rowan are with you."

It wasn't the response that I wanted, but, it was probably the best I was going to get for the time being, so I decided to nod, offering him a small 'thank you'.

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