21 Marshal

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Bimu District is located in the far north of the capital. It is covered with ice and snow all year round and is shrouded in severe cold.

Knowing that his brother's conversation was going well and he found a job, Gu Xi took the initiative to ask Gu Yu to meet him. The meeting place was in Bimu District.

This pair of brothers, who don't have much tune, haven't really seen each other for more than two years, except for the occasional video communication.

Gu Yu decided to drive north by self-driving. Looking out of the window all the way, he still looked a little trance.

From the heart area to the Bimu area, the ultra-high-speed driving almost only leaves a silver shadow in the air, as if it has experienced a change of the four seasons.

From the spring in the heart, through the autumn color of the red leaves along the way, to the snow covered the earth, and the white extends endlessly to the blue twilight area at the end of the twilight. It only takes about an hour to drive at high speed.

Unfortunately, these scenes could not get into the eyes of Gu Yu, who was inconceited at this time.

The Bimu District, named after the fact that it is difficult to have direct sunlight all year round, is located on the junction of night and day. Looking north from the Bimu District, it is a completely cold night, where there are almost no insects.

The goose-like snowflakes scraped sparsely, and soon covered the front windshield.

The self-driving un010 quickly brushed away the snow on the glass. The heating in the car has been turned on, and it is as warm as spring, with the shape of the car in two seasons.

Gu Yu leaned loosely on the driver's seat, with his head turned to his head, and looked at the snow on the glass that had been swept down.

What is the reason why Lu Chen lied to him?

Why did he let himself marry other females in such a tortuous way?

Even... Gu Yu closed his eyes.

If he didn't offer to go out to work, won't Lu Chen stand on the side of the Male Insect Protection Association and become a part of the persuading him to marry other females?

What's more, if he compromises...

Gu Yu couldn't imagine what the relationship between him and Lu Chen would become now.

And all this will be more or less attributed to Lu Chen's lies - so why on earth did he lie to him?

When Gu Yu opened his eyes again, he looked at the snow swept down on the window, and his gray eyes were full of confusion.

What did he think of his decision to go out to work in Lu Chen's eyes? If the family has money and there is no need for him to support the family at all, what is the point of Gu Yu going out to work?

Does he still need to go to work next Monday?

The suspended car turned down from the interregional expressway according to the scheduled destination and swooped into the traffic flow of the main road in Bimu District. Turning through the streets and alleys, you will come to a road with almost all kinds of bars on the street.

It is cold all year round in Bimu District, and wine is a good cold-proof product. And there is no division between day and night here. Most of the insects living here pursue a life of feasting, indulgence, and drunken and dreaming.

So there is no better place than opening a bar in Bimu District. Gu Xi has been wandering here all year round, addicted to all kinds of bars, and has died in the morning and evening.

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