114 Base

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Only Oggsger was the first to react.

He immediately stood up, waved his hand and commanded sharply, "Attack the ship now!" They are absolutely not allowed to escape!"

Gu Yu grabbed his Mr. Lu's arm and locked him tightly. Just as he was about to say something, Lu Chen pulled him backhand, ran to the mouth of the ship, and said eagerly, "Leave now!" This ship can't stay!"

Gu Yu ran with him. When he was near the position of the ship's mouth, he suddenly pulled Lu Chen back.

It's too late!

With the violent sound of "bang", with the attack of a light bomb from the Federation, the small starship originally sent by Gu suddenly broke and the fragments splashed everywhere.

Lu Chen was pulled into Gu Yu's arms. The two insects rushed to the ground sideways, and the eardrums buzzed, but fortunately, they avoided the fragments of the aftermath of the explosion in time.

With such a loud explosion, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army naturally noticed the changes here at the same time.

"Not good! - Hurry up! The mecha troops immediately went to the ship to support Lieutenant General Gu!" Seeing that Lu Chen did not come back, Gu Yu also stayed there, and then he knew that the accident had happened. He stood in the general control room and immediately ordered.

This is a decisive moment against time.

The position of the middle ship is the same as that of both sides. Whoever arrives first will win.

The imperial side was led by Colonel Pansy himself and drove the mecha in a race against time. In the imperial team, Pansy's mecha took the lead.

And the explosion gave the male insect country more reaction time. However, the speed of the members of the male insect country driving the mecha is far less than Pansy's, and they can only watch Pansy get closer and closer to the ship.

Then the next shot exploded, and it didn't seem good. The mecha of the male insect country hit Pansy in the air.

Pansy leaned down and scolded "dog son of a bitch", and then ordered the other military insects: "Cover me with fire!"

The explosion filled the silent space. Seeing that the two sides were incompatible, Gu Yu and Lu Shen were still looking for control methods in the ship. The small ship turned on automatic driving, and the control key was only known to the male insect country.

Lu Chen was busy cracking, and Gu Yu picked up a dying member of the male insect country and asked, "What is the key?" Say it!"

The two sides outside the ship were fighting. Pansy was struggling to get close to the ship when he suddenly saw that the federal commander-in-chief suddenly rushed out of a mecha, so fast that there were almost only remnants. It was getting faster and faster as if passing through an uninhabited land, and quickly narrowed the distance from the ship.

Pansy narrowed his eyes with difficulty in the gunfire and couldn't help but be shocked to see the mecha.

"Moon Picking" - Oggsger's mecha!

"Fuck it!" Pansy scolded, with the pain in his forehead and temple, he mobilized his mental strength to control the mecha to speed up. The imperial army bug also concentrated all its firepower on attacking Oggsger at the first time.

But Oggsger deserves the first battle of the Federation.

Before Lu Shen's forehead sweated and was about to unlock the key, the ship suddenly shook violently. The "Moon Picking" poked its head down from the glass in front of it, waved a lot, and leisurely greeted Lu Chen.

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