70 On board

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The summer of the Capital Star is purely hot. It shoots straight after the rainy season, without any gentle petty.

The daytime is getting longer and more long and boring. Lu Chen was in the mecha research institute with cool tentacles. He picked up the pen again and again and again, and he had no intention to look at any drawings in front of him.

His faint and sad appearance naturally attracted the attention of his colleagues around him.

"Summer limited mung bean soup, just frozen out of the oven, freshly homemade!" A colleague came over with a tray of green and cool bottles and cans and asked, "Lu She, can you have a bottle to relieve the heat and relieve boredom?"

The green bottle reached under his eyelids, and Lu Chen suddenly looked up and his thoughts converged back: "What?"

My colleague was about to emphasize the freshness of the homemade mung bean soup again. The old director jumped over from the other end like a monkey and shook his plate all over the circle, making it difficult for the worm to imagine that it was an old man's jump out.

Old Nochi pulled Lu Chen head-on, and his tone was as excited as a child.

"Land and land! There are good things! I have studied good things tailored for you for a long time! Come on, come on, don't be stunned!"

Lu Chen was confused by him and pushed into the director's laboratory.

"What's a good thing?" Lu Chen thought it was a new mecha, but now nothing can lift his mood. "I want to go back to work."

The old director mysteriously stood in front of an experimental bottle.

"Ah, don't be in a hurry to leave. I promise you will like this thing!"

Lu Chen then stopped the controlled wheelchair and looked up at him faintly.

With a mysterious smile on his face, Old Nochi slowly got out of his way and showed what was in the experimental bottle behind him.

Lu Chen's expression blanked for a moment.

The blue light hit the silver iron skeleton in the bottle cap, making it reflect a sharp light, and made a heavy stroke on Lu Chen's heart, breeding the extravagant hope that he had tried to take a step out, but regressed because he was afraid of unsatisfactory results.

Nochi's voice came to his ear and was no longer so clear.

"This is the new exoskeleton walking device that I checked the physical examination data when you entered the institute and adjusted the strength of nerve adaptation."

He blew his beard composidely and said, "There is nothing on the market now, and you can't buy it!"

"Lu Set, don't worry about your eyebrows, what's wrong with your face? If you're worried, just go. Don't be false! Do our imperial knights still need to be afraid of these?

Lu Chen's eyes stopped on the blue light cover for a long time, and then slowly moved to Nochi's face with a white beard. The respected imperial mecha designer, with a smiling face, is not so respected.

But this was the first time Lu Chen heard those four words from his mouth when he came into direct contact with him.

- Imperial Knight.

He was once full of medals of glory.

He is now talking about the remnants of the glorious clouds and smoke of the past.

Lu Chen knew very well that he had lost his qualification to be called an "imperial knight" by the imperial worms. Even if they call this name now, they are just calling the invincible commander of the Fifth Army in the past and the self that Lu Chen can never return.

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