49 Female father

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The side mission point was close at hand. Unfortunately, in order to avoid the pursuit of Ria's pile of insects, Gu Yu and Moore had to take repeated detours, but they were not allowed to enter after passing the mission point several times.

During this period, the scope of the green circle has been reduced several times. Gu Yu and the two insects relied on the equipment they picked up or robbed on the road to survive to the last few rounds.

In the latest green circle update, a new data popped up on the panel of each bug.

The current number of survivors: 12.

Gu Yu instantly guessed that up to now, except for him and Moore, the only thing left in the audience was the five-worm team of Rhea and another team they had encountered but did not directly conflict.

Now it's close to the final game. Unfortunately, with their number of bugs, it's tricky to fight against any of them.

The best way is to wait for their two teams to consume each other, and finally he and Moore will pick up another leak.

But the mold is there, and Rhea is like an unreasonable wild dog, staring at the back of their tails, and now, they have run out of food.

However, fortunately, the only luck Gu Yu encountered in this assessment is that although the scope of the green circle has been reduced to a very small area, it still includes the branch task point they liked before.

Moore felt not optimistic: "It's almost the decisive game. At present, all the teams have to look for supplies. At the side mission point, it's impossible to make everyone bump into each other."

"They don't have the same idea as you, so they didn't come?" Gu Yu was very optimistic. "After all, the worst is just like this now. There may be a head-on conflict when going to the task point, but if you don't go, the dog behind will catch up. We have to get off the examination room now.

Moore had to agree: "You're right, but... After we go in, Ria's worm will definitely chase in."

"Then come in." Gu Yu said indifferently, "After entering, you can solve the task with your own strength. Why are you afraid of them?"

Moore was speechless, so he had to quickly open his legs and keep up with Gu Yu's pace.

The branch mission point is located in a small playground in Qingluo District, and one of the entrances is also remote, located in a crowded civilian alley on the edge of Qingluo District.

In order to avoid the group of pursuers behind him, Gu Yu deliberately walked around the path according to the map. As soon as he stepped into the alley, he strangely had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The alley is not wide, and the cramped alleyways are full of all kinds of colorful neon signs, and the words are also incomplete. The street bricks on the ground are also gray, and the original color can't be distinguished.

The high-rise buildings on both sides leaned tightly, like a pair of couples forcibly separated, abruptly squeezed out a lane from the middle. The floor was narrow and high-risk, as if they were going to fall down at any time.

These old and dangerous buildings, which should have been full of all kinds of residents, are empty at this moment and left in the forgotten corners of the city rust.

The window sill also faithfully restores the crowded bedding, sheets and clothes of various households drying outside, some of which are still ticking water, and the sound echoes in the alleyway that should be downtown, which is a little quiet and a little terrible.

"I didn't expect that there was such a place on the Capital Star 18 years ago." As Moore walked, he looked around and felt something strange.

His military boots stepped on the old and uneven street bricks and clicked.

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