101 Pinhole

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When Lu Chen said this, the doctor was squatting beside him to check his legs and knocking.

Hearing Lieutenant General Lu say this bluntly, the doctor couldn't help looking up.

The military insects of the headquarters have dispersed and are no longer surrounded. They hurriedly contacted and mobilized the divisions and teams outside the arena to prepare for a large-scale sweep of the insect tide in the field after the insect mother was eliminated.

No bug noticed what Lieutenant General Lu just said.

After the doctor looked over, Lu Chen lowered his eyes and looked at him calmly.

For a moment, Lu Chen asked, "How are my legs?"

The doctor was stunned and quickly looked away and looked down at the injury: "Middle General, your wound has basically scabbed because it was treated in time. We don't need to deal with it any more. I believe it will recover in a few days. It's just a scar... I'm afraid it's a little difficult to completely remove it.

Lu Chen didn't care about this. In terms of scars, large and small new injuries on his body have been used to nature - as long as his hero does not dislike them, Lu Chen will not want to to remove them.

His fingers unconsciously moved on his knees and raised his eyelids: "I want to ask, the old injury."

That old wound that can never be removed from his heart.

The doctor was stunned and quickly realized what he was referring to. He carefully said, "Middle General, you have been recovering well. Now you can go to exclude the bone walking device, but the specific situation... I'm not sure. You have to go to the central hospital for a comprehensive examination."

"But," the doctor paused. "Unsurprisingly, your legs have recovered to 70% or 80% before the accident, and there will be no major obstacles in your life in the future."

Lu Chen's fingers on his knees couldn't help curled up. He tried to calm down his voice: "Then... can you drive the mecha again?"

The doctor stood up and held his eyes, looking a little serious.

"Lt. General, I can't give you a decision. You have to come to our hospital for a check-up."

It has not been denied, which is already Lu Chen's greatest hope.

In fact, he did not have the idea of driving the mecha and returning to the military headquarters. The last time he drove a mecha in Ulaxing, he was seriously warned by the attending physician when he returned to the capital star. His family also "punished" him several times for this incident.

But Lu Chen didn't really want to go back to the past. The last time he was a star, it may be the last time he drove the mecha - but that mecha is not called the "Imperial Star".

Pushing further, when the rebellion accident happened, Lu Chen and the "Imperial Star" almost all experienced a "shattered bone" and "rebirth".

He left in a hurry and didn't have time to say hello to the glorious old man who accompanied him for the first half of his life. The "Imperial Star" almost became his heart disease, and he didn't even dare to go back to see it.

But after a year, Lu Chen had already seen a lot.

Regret may still be regret, but it is no longer a thorn that hurts my heart when I think about it.

Lu Chen just wanted to say goodbye to his old buddy solemnly in the end.

Major General Gu really drove out of the arena Y01 with glory this time.

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