Let me in your life again, Fang.

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Captain Kaizo, the legendary rebel of the galaxy. One of the best agents at TAPOPS is the older brother to Fang.

Fang, the boy who can manipulate the deepest shadows to become a whole new world. These two brothers are humanoids from Planet Gogobugi.

These two are sons to the government of Gogobugi who died tragically to Borara along with his wife, leaving these two without parents or known as orphans.

Though the tragic incident left Kaizo in shocked as he is the eldest son to the couple, he swore to protect his younger brother from any danger using his strength and power with EnerBot.

Kaizo is under Maskmana's training along with a legendary armoured hero known as Mechamato. The two higher-ups trained Kaizo to who he is now, a fierce and strong captain.

Without Kaizo even realizing it, he's slowly distancing himself from Fang. What was once a relationship between brother and brother is now a relationship between captain and agent.

Here they are now, in a training room with Maskmana and Mechamato. Today is Kaizo's training with Mechamato. As the two began fighting with the other two watching them fight, Maskmana can't help but realise the gloomy and sad face on the shadow manipulator.


"Y-yes Admiral!" Fang saluted as he realised the stutter he made.

"Why with the gloomy face? Is something wrong?"

"N-nothing Admiral.. Just thinking about the past." Fang said in a sad tone, he's actually telling the truth this time.

"Mind sharing with me some of them? Of course if you're okay with it."

"Well.. don't tell him but I missed the old times where Captain Kaizo would allow me to call him 'Abang' back then when everything was fine. I miss the old him." Fang paused for a second as he looked at his older brother.

"And I miss my friends or team, they're on a vacation now at their home planet, Earth. Though they're older than me, I sometimes see them as my older sibling figures or family more than Captain Kaizo. Mostly Gopal and Bbb, those two are the ones closest to me other than Ying and Yaya." Fang smiled as he remembered all the times back on Earth when he was genuinely happy.

"You seem to like them a lot. Tell me more about your team or friends."

"Gopal.. He's a guy who likes food, he's the oldest amongst them all despite his attitude being the most childish, he can be serious in some situations that includes his bestfriends.
Bbb is one of the best in the team in my opinion, despite all the times I betrayed many times he still forgives me and defends me. Always including me in Earth events, welcoming me into his home. He's a one of a kind friend if you know what I mean.." Fang stopped for a second to look at Maskmana who's currently nodding, which is a sign for Fang to continue.

"Ying and Yaya.. the girls likes to compete to see who's better at certain things like studies and school, though they are still bestfriends after competing." Fang explained again.

"Even though I betrayed them many times in the past, they still see me as a member of their team. I just wish that Captain Kaizo would be like them, especially Bbb. I always seen him as a older brother figure despite me bragging about popularity. He always finds a way to save us from danger." Fang explained again, as he let out a breath he has been holding. Of course he is, after explaining all that.

Maskmana nodded at this, he now understands what the shadow manipulator is feeling about the legendary rebel. After years, Maskmana can finally know what has been bothering the shadow manipulator.

"Fang. Me and Admiral Mechamato has finished training, now it's your turn with Admiral Maskmana." Captain Kaizo said as he appeared behind Fang which startled him.

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