21 | three; i choose you

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[Lukiyo is here!]

Hello! I've seen a few people don't remember Lux in the comments, and I realized it may just be easier to leave a note here for any others LOL but he made a very brief introduction in chapter 9, and has appeared once or twice since, and will continue appearing in the future!

Motives unknown, he's a prince of an unmentioned kingdom who has relations to Reed.

With that said, I hope you have a wonderful time reading, and an even more wonderful week! Until next time!


Kaden got caught by a malicious evil before he could make his way back to town, in the dead of night. He thought he would be safe from running into anybody, considering the time, but anybody didn't include outliers.

The strange, terrifying creatures that roamed the halls.

Lux squinted his eyes, smiling lazily. "Why do I feel like you're slandering me in your head?"

"Because I am." smiled Kaden, sighing. "I have a page of slander for you."

"Ah, I see that's how you display your adoration."

"I treat people I like with a respectable amount of kindness, mind you." Kaden glanced at him through his pale green gaze. "I have neither respect nor kindness for you."

He intended to commit the deed tonight, when children slept safely in their comfortable beds, and the townsfolk tucked away into bars or their own homes. When nobody could catch him.

A murder with the moon as its only witness. Expected, of course, but there was a reason people chose to kill in the dark.

Additionally, killers didn't want to get caught. They weren't proud of what they did, usually; they were ashamed and guilty. They lurked around like mice, cowering away from everything.

No, the correct comparison wouldn't be mice. Humans cowered away like humans, depicting the vivid terribleness of their kind.

The outfit he dressed in was cloaked in a scattered robe, its trailing ends like the a wisping black flame, following his movements. It wasn't a convenient robe, but he couldn't walk out of the school dressed in what he wore underneath.

A slim-fit black outfit, outlining the lines of his body and strapped with a belt at his waist, carrying two silver daggers. Boots that helped him grip onto the crooked roofs, and a scarf that's sole purpose was to hide his face.

Reed had provided the outfit when Kaden agreed to become his killing dog.

Kaden scowled at the thought. No matter what life, he couldn't run away from this fate. He was bound to Reed through that curse—but that didn't mean he couldn't change things.

Imagine, his most loyal and obedient dog, tearing his neck off.

'What a joke.'

A laugh slipped past Kaden's lips, and Lux glanced at him curiously. "Did you think of something funny?"

"I don't have to think of anything when you're in front of me." replied Kaden, striding ahead with a seemingly pleasant smile. Lux almost took it as a compliment—before he repeated the words in his head and paused.

Lux continued to follow closely behind, and Kaden realized that the man had no intention of leaving. He twisted around the corners, through the school gardens, before ending the silly game of tag.

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