66 | drinks; to confess under a haze

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Tears welled in Holly's hazel eyes, hair frizzed and combed into two messy braids. It'd taken five shots to reduce her to that state, blubbering as she hastily wiped them away. "This tastes so good..." she whined, smacking her lips as she clung to her friend.

Nicola smiled with amusement, gentle cherry gaze curving. "Does it?"

"You should know... you tried some! Don't lie to me!"

It was a strong alcohol, a speciality in the Land of the Fae. Nobody wanted to guess how she acquired it, though knowing the woman's extroversion, it was simple for her to strike up a conversation and charm them into giving her gifts.

The liquid burned in their throats, leaving a deep but subtle hint of oak on their tongues. The initial flavour was a faint floral sweetness.

Nicola had tasted it with moderation, elegantly raising a small wooden cup to her lips, eyelashes fluttering closed as she savoured the taste. After Holly begun to sway, she'd stopped drinking to watch her silly friend.

"Hey, hey, let's—" Holly hiccuped, scrunching her nose. Her tolerance was terrible, words slurring. "Let's play a game~ We're all friends, right? Heh, um— hic! Say, how about... a question game?"

On the bed beside her, Niklas grinned cheekily as he leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. "Oh? What sort of questions? Any limitations?"

"Answer or take a shot!" She declared, fist-pumping the air before twisting her body and patting herself on the back in praise. Deciding it wasn't enough, she grabbed Nicola's hand and patted her own back with it. "Hm~ half a shot... half a short, or it'll end too soon!"

Nicola laughed quietly, her eyes softening. "Just a sip for you, I think."

"Yes ma'am!"

Niklas spread his arms, feeling ignored as his question was left unanswered. "Alright, sirs and ladies, let's get to know each other to the depth of our souls. It's getting late, but this is a good opportunity." He lifted his gaze to Nicola, smiling behind his mused chestnut curls. "You first, Ms. President?"

"Me? Very well, ask away. I'll answer whatever I am able to."

"Tell me something none of us know about you? Or something most of us don't."

"That sounds more like a demand than a question, Niklas."

"I posed it as a question so I declare it is one."

The woman tilted her hair on an angle, feeling a tug on her silky hair that had been left loose. Holly, at some point, found some entertainment in braiding Nicola's soft hair. The president allowed her head to remain at a tilt as she continued thinking.

Her eyes met the two on the opposing bed, landing on Kaden's.

"A long time ago slums. What you may believe to be the lowest in this society. I lived my every day there."

Kaden's head snapped up in surprise, clarity filling his mind momentarily. He'd taken a few shots, under the prompting of Niklas and Holly, who alone were persistant enough to be irresistable, and together made a vicious team.

The dragon too, showed some surprise at the woman's confession.

They waited for a continuation, but Nicola had already said her piece. "I believe it's my turn to ask next?"

Niklas nodded, waving. "Yeah, it is. Ask anybody. Well, I don't really know how the rules to this works, but we'll follow our own rules."

Once again, the president's gaze briefly landed on Kaden, pausing for several beats. A question rested at the tip of her tongue. However, she turned her head and smiled plesantly at Niklas. "Then, I'll ask you one in return, Niklas. What's your favourite colour?"

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