129 | doubt; a testament to loyalty

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Niklas held tightly onto a thick parcel of paper, wedged inside a brown leather slip.

His hair formed into raven curls, loosely hanging over his ears and his eyes had narrowed, dark and mysterious, full of allure. It was an appearance that was seductive, dangerous, and curious.

He'd grown used to wearing the mask of the Organizer, an all-knowing being that never had any flaws.

Every word a tantalizing bite, buried with intrigue and hidden meanings that one could only wonder.

But now, he held the parcel with trembling hands, laughing in mocking to himself softly as he watched the chasing soldiers from high above the trees.

A tree that left him breathless to climb, sweat dripping down his back and a red fluster to his cheeks.

He was a fake; he'd always been.

It was a miracle that he deluded himself into believing he could be somebody—enough to save Kaden Chauvet when he in fact was damning that sinner's soul.

Earlier, Wisteria had looped around the maze, frowning deeply as he sniffed the air and twisted his head.

"It's hard to track them in this maze—the air is abnormal. They seem to be... around the area where we parted from that girl."

"That girl's name is Holly," said Niklas, patting the thin back that he laid on. "But that's strange. Let's head back. She might be in danger, and I won't risk that."

"Am I your dog?"

"I would consider you a lovely horse right now, dear comrade."

"I'll drop you off the edge."

"You won't."

Wisteria had clicked his tongue, thrice for good measure, and after displaying his annoyance, circled back. There, he discovered Nicola, and to his surprise, the two professors from the Academy.

Raymond beamed, waving and Alexander nodded quietly in acknowledgment. They briefly filled him in on the details and Nicola's plan.

She'd thrust a thick parcel of papers into his hands and he grabbed onto them with bewilderment.

"Niklas. I'm afraid I'll be relying on you for the next step."

Niklas frowned, tightening his hold on the package. He was a person who always longed to be admirable and relied on, but in fact, hated when he actually was.

What he feared was failing to live up to other's expectations.

He'd seen it in his rebirth, the disappointed faces of the servants as he failed to live to his father's legacy. He wasn't as strong and wasn't as wise—charming he was, certainly, but what else?

Nicola was keenly aware of these things and smiled stiffly. "It's only you that can place a spark of doubt in that soldier's mind. He's young but loyal. And yet, he is not a bad person."

"I—how can I? I understand your plan, Pres, I do. It's a good plan. But if it's somebody like that, it's not the same. It's not the same as tricking people in the Underground."

"It's not." She clasped her hands over his reassuringly, swallowing. "And yet I can't think of anything else."

And so he had agreed, left with no other options.

Wisteria had left to guard the trio—and to sniff out the location of the third prince that had slipped inside the lands and then fled to complete his unknown task.

But there was no time to find Kaden—a key player in the plan to reveal Reed's intentions.

However, Niklas had a feeling. That their confrontation would reveal a dozen truths that even the most loyal soldier wouldn't be privy to.

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