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Kaden stood with his hands behind his back in the Crown Prince's office, within the castle walls. He'd been summoned back under the impression of the King's request and had instead been directed to the office.

Naturally, there was only one person who would be seated in that elegant chair, carved of the finest mahogany.

"It's been a long time since I've had summons from the King." commented Kaden casually, though the walls of this palace seemed to constrict around him.

His palms felt like they were sweating between tightly clasped fingers, pressed in the groove of his back as he willed out a breath.

The place where he spent so many years living; hardly fit to call home.

Reed lifted his icy blue gaze, devoid of emotion. "Somebody has declared war on me, and as my loyal subject, your expertise will be required."

"Calling for your best weapon, are you?"

"If you weren't the best, I'd have long abandoned you."

A spike of anxiety struck Kaden's heart, and he chided it for caring at all. He'd spent so long attempting to prove his worth that the idea of abandonment made him nauseous.

"For somebody to make an enemy of you, dear master, they must be a fool." He said like a loyal dog with a belly full of praise.

Reed's eyes sharpened, not missing the sarcastic drawl in the words. His head throbbed, and somewhere, something warned him to reconsider all his actions. To remind himself of his goals


He didn't remember them clearly anymore.

He needed to find that infuriating neighbouring prince, his disloyal ally. Lux had a way of chasing the fog away from his mind by use of his ugly face and irritating words.

Although that man also seemed to have an aptitude for not being around when needed, and appearing when he was least wanted.

"There's a few I need you to investigate. If it turns out that they have turned their backs to me, then I will do the same."

Reed tapped on his desk and Kaden stiffened, slowly walking closer to view the scrap of paper on the table.

A dozen printed names neatly laid out.

When he glanced up, he realised Reed was keenly observing him. That was when Kaden understood: this was a test. Any recognition of the names or resistance to carrying out his duties would be noted as suspicious, as a betrayal. However—

Kaden's eyes landed on one name, a flicker of surprise showing in his expression.

—to know nothing was equally suspicious.

Reed leaned forward, tilting his head to the list. "Is there somebody you recognize?"

"I vaguely recall a few of my classmates, reading these names. These are their parents." replied Kaden smoothly, telling a half-truth.

Some names were prominent nobles, and even if Kaden didn't pay attention to others, it was impossible not to recognize certain names. Although it wasn't enough of a surprise to make his expression slip—but Reed needed to see a bit of clumsiness, a bit of weakness that reminded Reed of the control he held.

Between these two siblings, every action and every word could be dissected and exposed for their hidden meanings.

"I see. If you wish, you may use Skye as your ally. He won't reject you." Reed collected the spread of papers on his desk, tapping it several times to gather them into a neat pile.

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