57 | sour; a slap to the hand

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It wasn't a surprise that nobody had been in much of a mood to talk on the way back after burying the child. The haunting wails had faded into the wind, and the long hallways revealed no ghosts.

Holly had leaned against Nicola, aghast and wondering. "What happened to the father when he returned..."

Nicola patted her friend's back with a soft smile. "It's best not to think of it. Whether he despaired, whether he closed his eyes and accepted that fate—it isn't for us to know or learn."

"You're right, yeah, as always, Pres. But even if we can never really understand or know it, shouldn't we think about it? The 'what if' this became us one day? Because Pres, that cursed woman was a Blessed wasn't she?"

"...I cannot explain anything to you, Holly. I don't know anything."

"That's the issue! What exactly does it mean to be who we are? Why haven't we questioned anything—especially after that ominous lesson that the Prof gave!"

Everybody had stared, all thinking the same thoughts. Indeed, the catastrophe of being Blessed, the horrors of the Reversal had been shown to them in the form of a mutilated body, printed on paper.

But to imagine harm inflicted on oneself, and harm inflicted on those beloved, were two terrifying and different things.

When they returned, they continued with their daily lives as if they hadn't buried the ashes of a child. They continued, mundanely, as time continued to pass.

Kaden's inquisitive gaze had pierced through Professor Alexander and Professor Raymond, the former who'd ignored him entirely, and the latter who kept sneaking glances over as if wanting to answer any questions asked.

Of course, both had the feeling that whatever their student wanted to inquire, was not a thing they could easily answer.

Kaden already knew that, sighing in his seat. As his mood simmered, a long, fluffy tail smacked him in the face, and he raised his eyes with a vague smile. Your Majesty sprawled over the top of his head lazily, attached like glue with no intention of moving.

The Ghost Feline enjoyed disappearing and reappearing at random, and most of it's return would be spent stubbornly sticking to Kaden as if attached to the man's body.

Kaden twirled the tail gently around his finger, feeling the beast purr with a noble air that seemed to ask for more attention. When Kaden stopped, a small head popped over impatiently, nibbling his finger.

"Hey, no biting."

He said that, but didn't move his hand away.

Your Majesty's words were his command, after all. Kaden had always been loyal to the Crown, and this noble feline was a royal he'd much rather listen to.

After receiving feline therapy, and debating the logistics of adopting another dozen animals or beasts in the future, he felt a little more relaxed.

The classroom had mostly cleared out while he was thinking, and only Professor Alexander remained. The man pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses, peering at the lazy feline, and then at Kaden.

"Ask whatever it is that has been weighing you. However, I cannot guarantee an answer."

Kaden spun a pencil between his fingers, coolly raising his gaze.

"If I ask, would that put you in a troublesome position, Professor?"

There were times, Alexander realized, that his particular student felt peaceful and young as all the others, and times where every movement he made carried a slight of dangerous promise.

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