Chapter 12

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I wish I could say that I slept horribly or that I just simply didn't sleep at all. But the truth is I slept better last night than I ever had. I wish I could say it was the exhaustion from the flight or from the drama of living in a world with supernatural's. I wish I could say anything, but the truth and the truth is that laying with Axle kept me warm and comfortable all night. It made me feel safe and secure. There were no bad dreams, no tossing and turning from an uncomfortable bed, no loud sounds from the neighbors or nearby traffic...nothing. I fell asleep and I woke up on top of Axle with my legs intertwined with his.

My head was on his chest hearing the soft breathing come from him and feeling his heat radiate off of him. Whatever state we were in was a cold one. I could tell by the dark clouds and trees that seemed to line the forest that wherever we were was a naturally cold place, so I should be cold. I should be freezing with chattering teeth, but instead I'm warm and to tell the truth I'm content, I'm almost happy. It takes me a few moments to realize what I'm doing. Who I am laying on, what happened and why I shouldn't be laying on him or even be near him. I go to remove myself from him but by the time I get back to the left side of the bed, with only his arm under me, I am rotated back towards to his side. He has me nestled into the side of his body by the time I am making my next attempt of escape; however, I notice this time that his arms are more solid, and his breathing has changed from before.

"You're awake, aren't you?"

"I woke up the minute you decided to try to leave the bed."

I lay there in silent defeat as I contemplate my next move. He seems to not mind this standstill and even moves the arm he has wrapped around me to smooth his hands out over my clothed hip bone. Finally, I realize that my way of escape is only a few steps away, "Can I go to the restroom? I want to change and get ready."

"It is still early. You can rest some more, and I will wake you up when it is time."

"I'm already up. I want to stay up, so can I go?"

He lets out an exasperated sigh and loosens his arm so I can make my way to the restroom. Once inside I go over to the toilet and rest there for a moment with my head in my hands.

I can't do this. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be with him. I just want to leave. I'm just about to cry when I hear a knock on the door.

"Since you're so eager to start the day, I have your clothes waiting for you here on the bed. Once you're done you can come get them."

I manage to breathe out an "ok" and proceed to get ready. Once done, I open the door partially and look around the room to see where Axle may have gone. Since I have been in the restroom, Axle has traded his sweats for a pair of jeans and is now wearing shoes. He still has no shirt on, but I notice that he has a deep green one laid out to the right of him on the dresser. He's leaning up against the edge of the dresser with his hands inside of his pocket, when he looks over at me. 

He begins walking over to me and my body tenses as he comes closer. By the time he reaches the door he's so close that I'm almost tempted to shut the door in his face. I maneuver my body a little bit away from the door afraid he may drag me out if I am too close. He seems to notice this but doesn't show any signs of caring and just when I think I may be free from anything he may do, he pushes the door open slightly with his foot and I realize that the stiff hold I have on the door is no match for his strength. He reaches his hand through the crack of the door and as I try to move away from him, his harm seems to move faster, stopping my movement just before its out of reach. His hand is locked behind my neck, holding me still, as he runs a thumb over my cheek. We stand there for awhile while he lets go of my neck to caress his fingers over my cheek. I shiver at the touch and just as his thumb start to touch my bottom lip he finally talks. 

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