Chapter 39

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The week went by relatively quickly with the amount of work we had. Most mornings when we woke up, we would have a different job lined up since Ava rarely go along with anyone. At first, they were going to move her to a position that was isolated but once she was told that I would be staying in my old job she was furious. To appease her, Lucas told all of the people in charge or with higher authority that we both needed to be assigned the same jobs "to keep the peace." 

Most nights we couldn't sleep more than a few hours before restlessness would hit us. Darrel had told us this was because our bodies were rejecting being away from our mates and that our bodies would fluctuate back to normal once we were here long enough. Sometimes within those small moments of sleep I could hear Ava whimpering. I can tell she's dreaming of something that frightens her, likely from her old pack. The first time it happened I went over to her to wake her up and comfort her only to be met with anger and a cold shoulder. She didn't sleep for the rest of the night just curled into a fetal position. I could hear her faintly scratching the covers, or maybe it was the wall, while she silently cried. 

I think we realized pretty quickly we weren't happy to be here. We could feel that there was something missing, the same thing that was missing back when we were with the pack. I had believed it was my freedom and the absence of Nicole but as the days pass by I soon realized that wasn't the case. Though I couldn't say what was missing. Ava could feel that something was missing too and acted out irrationally and aggressive toward everyone she came in contact with who wasn't me, Lucas or Darrel. 

Darrel was actually the first person to experience her wrath, but he just shrugged it off. Ava finally took the hint that he wouldn't be bated after several tries of name calling and abrasive behavior. Now we just go through the days, go through the motions of our jobs, and try and work around who we are to what we need. 

"He's looking at you again."

I hear Ava speak up from the garden. She's trying to grow tomatoes, with no luck, while I tend to the vegetables that are actually growing. 


"Commander and General Creep, the one who rules all, ever since we left his office, he's had his sights on you. I know you've felt it. It's like he tries to find where you are just so he can stop to stare."

I look over my shoulder to see Samuel with the doctor who did our checkup. Ava's right. I have noticed him around constantly. He's always with someone to make it seem less suspicious, but I know better. I can feel his eyes when they linger on me for too long or the way he tries to create opportunities for me to speak to him. I run every chance I can get, or I avoid him by trying to jump into other conversations. 

As I begin to start tending the vegetables again, I hear the crunching of dirt as someone nears. I tense because I know who it is, and he just came but right behind me. I feel the brush of his hand along the side of my leg and straighten up to a standing position. With frightened, bewildered eyes I turn to look at him. I barley a breath away from him as he upturns his lips into a sinister smile. 

"I apologize for startling you. I just needed to speak with you about some business."

I shift my feet to be farther away from him and as I move bit back, I can hear Ava get up from her position. I feel her body heat behind me as if protecting me from Samuel and when I turn my head, I see her face with a light grimace and her arms crossed over her chest. 

"What do you want?" Ava says with no kindness.

Samuels smile falters, but like a switch, his smile is turned the same as it was before when I was up close to him. His changes his posture to seem more regal and a bit relaxed as he gestures to the both of us.

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