Chapter 16

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When I woke up in the morning, I was rejuvenated. I was so excited at the idea of talking to Nicole again that I didn't seem to mind waking up in Axle's arm. He seemed to match my happiness as he continued to glance at me as we got ready. Sometimes when he would look at me his eyes would shine, and he would have this grin on his face.

Once we were done getting ready, Axle led me over to the office again. He pulled the chair out across the desk and motioned for me to sit down in it. As he made his way over to his seat, I tried to talk myself through what was going to happen. It was really important that I didn't make him angry. He's going to discuss some of the things I heard last night at dinner, so I'm going to need to tread lightly if I want to get what I want.

"Well love do you want me to start with last night? The Re-education Plan? Then we can go from there."

I shook my head slowly. From what I could tell about the Re-education Plan it was a design to acquaint students and younger children with the supernatural. They had started their takeover nearly three decades ago and were still working on policies and plans.

"Essentially the Re-education Plan will be introduced in schools to educate the students about the surrounding supernatural's in the area and the new laws that will be introduced to their country and area. The...," He looks at me for a moment, assessing my reaction so far before he continues, "the plan also works to introduce potential human mates to their counterparts. They will learn the different roles they must play as well as what kind of mating procedures are done within each group of people. We are still working out some of the problems we may face while trying to incorporate pack and other supernatural ties, but soon enough we will have the solution."

I nodded my head at his words not really caring for what he had to say. He pretty much agreed that Ava was right on her assessment of the plan. It was just a way to control the human race more than they already had.

"I want you to know that what Ava said was fueled by her anger for her mate and her hate for her old pack. This plan is going to help all people, supernatural's and humans alike, to understand one another and work out any hardships before the mating courtship. This will solve many problems with rebellion and may even help us to prevent or lower crime rate amongst the humans. I hope you understand."

He lets a pregnant pause interrupt us as he looks me over. He doesn't appear to be sorry, in fact he looks like he is just providing me with the information I lacked. Like he isn't trying to change and manipulate a whole group of people to fit his agenda and the "needs" of his people. We sit there for what seems like awhile till he finally decides to speak up again.

"So pretty girl? What were you going to ask for, hmm?"

Here was my chance. I could ask to talk to Nicole. I could hear her voice again...or I could ask for something else. I could ask for my freedom without Axle even knowing it. I could either speak to my best friend or I could have a chance to talk to Ava. See how to get to my freedom. If I talk to Nicole, I know I'll risk my freedom, but if I choose Ava, I could potentially be free and work out a plan to get to Nicole.

"What if what I want, you can't give me? Will I be allowed to pick something else?" I rushed out.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me with an expression that I couldn't quite place but have seen him making before.

"I suppose I could compromise, but I want to remind you that these requests you make with me must be within reason. I will not allow for any kind of games when it concerns you. Do you understand?" He gave me a leveling look as he said this. I understood what he meant. He wanted to make sure I stayed in line. So, to get what I wanted. I would play the good mate. I would fall in line.

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