Chapter 14

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After lunch, we went back to the office and stayed there until dinner time came around. He had tried to get me to talk at lunch, but I wouldn't allow our conversation to go past simple nods and hums of agreement. Once we had made it back to the office, I went straight back to the couch intent on taking another nap or just staring at the couch, thinking about being anywhere but here; he had asked me if I would have preferred to do something while I wait for his work to finish but I just shook my head and went to lay back down. Time seemed to pass so fast as I listened to the sound of him typing and the sounds of papers being flipped through. 

Sometimes, when he would decide to take a break, he would walk over to me and pat my head or rub my arms. He was trying to console me. He knew something was wrong, I think he could feel it through the mate bond, I know because I could feel his desperation coming off in waves. He wanted me to give him something, but there was nothing left to give.

Once dinner had arrived, I heard a deep sigh come from Axle. I focused on the wheels of his chair rolling back as he made his way towards me. I could hear his jeans stretching as he crouched down to my level. He started to pet my hair again as he talked to me in a cooing voice.

"Love, it's time to get up. We have dinner with Aiden and Emily remember?"

I turned over to look at him. I knew I looked dead inside; I could feel the numbness hollowing me out on the inside as I stared at him. His eyes were sad and understanding as he watched me. He's pitying me. He's pitying his poor, defenseless mate.

"I don't want to go." He tilted his head to the side and downcast his eyes at me. I'm so tired of him, of this situation. 

"We have to go. We already said, "yes." Come on, it will be good for you to get out. You can get some fresh air and talk to Emily. Didn't you like talking to her last time?" 

No, she's on your side. I can't trust her. I can't trust anyone. I kept quiet and stared at him, hoping he would get the hint, but he never did. 

He let out a deep sigh as he said, "There is another mate couple attending. You will like her. She comes from a sector like yours. She was under the supervision and acting rule of the Crimson Shade Pack before she met her mate. Come on, you can fix yourself up and get whatever you need before we go. We can leave whenever you're ready."

Never. I want to stay on this couch forever and I want you to leave me alone. 

I work my way up into a sitting position and reach my hand out to his so he can help me up. I know he likes it when I'm dependent on him, it makes him feel good. I figure if I stroke his ego, he might let me get into contact with Nicole; he might let me breathe a little. He leads me back to the room where I tidy myself up in the restroom. As I look into the mirror, I first focus on my eyes, they use to be brown. I think they still are, but now they look different, sad and dark. Underneath me eyes, I had bags, and my cheeks were sunk in. 

It had only been a few days since I got back to the states, but I knew I was already deteriorating. He was killing me from the inside out. I walked out of the bathroom and nodded my head toward Axle to let him know I was ready. He gave me a small smile and led me toward door, down the stairs to the front door. I could feel the jittering of my anxiety rushing through my body. I could feel the excitement at the idea of going outside, the possibility of being free racking through my brain. 

Once we have just passed the front door, the cool air rushed at me. I froze taking in the scenery, breathing in the fresh air. I didn't get to take it all in before, but this place was beautiful in its own way. While the temperature never seemed to go above sixty here and it was always dark, the willow trees hung low and flowed through the wind with grace. There were flowers growing at the lining of the trees just where the forest began and while I didn't know what species they were, I was pretty sure they would soon become my favorite. 

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