Chapter 45

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TW: Chapter contains some violence towards the end. There is no rape or anything I believe it too triggering but I still wanted to give a warning.
By the time morning comes Ava is still lying in bed. She won't say anything, and she's been staring at the wall the entire time. I stayed in the room until Lucas came looking for us. At first, he came in loud and screamed about us missing our work details but when he took one look at Ava, he realized that now was not the time to be screaming. Without saying any words, I looked over at Lucas and he knew what I was trying to convey. I lightly lifted Ava's head as Luas and I shifted spots. As soon as I was out of the way Lucas started to rub her head and speak to her in a low calm voice. I had never heard his voice be so calm before.

I gave Lucas a nod and walked out of the room with one lingering look back at Ava. I had to remind myself that I was doing this for her, for us. I hadn't slept at all last night too afraid that Ava would do something either to herself or find Samuel and do something to anger him. I held her all night as I patted her hair.

As I made my way down the steps of the building, I looked around to see if anyone was nearby. While there were people out, they all seemed to mind their own business. One thing about these people, is they don't bother to look your way, too worried about themselves and the lives they built.

I make my way over to Samuel's cabin. I try to bypass anyone who may be walking toward me because I definitely don't need someone stopping me and distracting me from what needs to be done. Unfortunately, I can only bypass so many people before someone stops me. Once I get close to his cabin, I feel a sense of terror rake over me, I stop for an instant but then shirk it off, before I can start moving again, I'm grabbed by my shoulder and turned around. Darrel is behind me, and he has my shoulder in a tight grip. His face is contorted into what might be anger or frustration.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

I look at him confused by his anger and to be honest a bit pissed off, "I have something that I need to speak to Samuel about."

I go to turn away, but I am stopped again by Darrel's hand gripping my shoulder hard, "You know how he is. How he behaves. I've seen how he treats you and you mean to tell me you want to go speak to him alone."

"I have no other choice."

"You could not go." He gives me a hard glare.

"You misunderstand. I need to go alone. He's more open that way and to be quite frank with you, I think I could persuade him without the presence of others."

"And if he harms you what then? There will be no one there to protect you from him."

I clear my face of any emotion as I say, "I know what I'm getting myself into."

He gives me a disgusted look but relents on my shoulder. He looks around as if he's defeated by our conversation but doesn't say anything for some time. I can see the internal battle that he's having with himself. I can tell that he's struggling, but I don't have the time for this. Before I can tell him to leave; he looks at me one more time and this time he shows the Darrel that I know.

"Fine, be careful in there will you. I don't much like the idea of Ava skinning me alive if she finds out you got hurt."

"You got it." I go to turn around, but before I can go, Darrel lightly grabs onto my arm. I face him as concern etches his face.

"Don't," he lets out a sigh then continues, "don't let him get to close. He'll have an advantage if he's close. You're smart Adelaide, smarter than what others give you credit for. I've seen the way you play certain situations, so do that here. Read his mood, watch his movements. He doesn't lock his door so have the element of surprise if you just go in. Trust me it's better. Gives him less time to think up any plans he may have."

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