Chapter 42

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Before I start the story, I just want to give a shout out to @caracura for making the new cover to our story. She really worked with me no matter how many times I wanted to change it up or add something. I really appreciate it and it looks great!


When I woke up this morning, Ava was already up scrounging around the room. I suppose she was getting ready for today, but she didn't tell me anything. After I told her about last night her eyes did this twinkle thing that seemed to be a mix of her being upset as well as thinking. I've seen this face before and while it hasn't been littered with grief before I've seen her make this face when she's thinking. When I use to go over to her house, and we would play those board games that's the face she would make right before she did some strategy or trick that ended with her winning the game. I'm just glad now that she's on our side.  

"Are you ready cupcake? We need to be there at seven remember."

I give her a perplexed look as I answer, "Yeah we have a whole hour. Why are you up so early?"

"I have plans. I'm thinking too."

"Can I ask what about?"

She gives me this look which tells me that I can't, and I just roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders. With a deep sigh I look around the room and I don't know whether to be grateful that today's the day everything begins or if I should dread it. 

"Well, I guess I'll get ready then."

"Yep! Time for war!"

I let out a chuckle and head towards the bathroom.

Once I'm finished getting ready, Ava and I make our way toward Samuel's house. As we get closer, I can tell that there are a lot of guards our front, more than usual and a lot of people going in and out. I can see Luas near the door, and I can tell he's talking to someone rather animatedly, though I can't see who. When we near the front porch, the guards move out of the way and eye us as we go in. I can't help but wonder if they know something. As we inch closer to the door, I can hear the voices more, so I slow Ava down to a steady halt to listen.

In a hushed whisper I can hear Lucas talking, "You're being dramatic, D."

"No, I'm not. Samuel has something planned. Something only him and that creep ass doctor know and you're acting so blindly that you can't even see it." the voice whispers.

"I'm not following blindly. He saved me. He saved you. If it weren't for him, we would be stuck in our sectors or pack grounds starving. We would be subjected to whatever those monsters had planned with no course of escape."

"Lucas," I can hear the voice more clearly now. It's Darrel. "Just because he was able to get us free of one bad situation doesn't mean he isn't just as bad as those monsters. You can't pretend that he's not hiding something." Darren's voice goes louder at the end, and I can see Lucas's eyes go wide.

"Just calm dow-"

Lucas' voice is cut off by the sound of footsteps coming toward him, opposite to us. I don't know how I was able to tell who this person was, but I just knew it was Samuel. 

"Boys, you're blocking the entrance, and these two beautiful girls need to get in."

Darrel's' face sobers up when he hears Samuel's voice. I can see his eyes flicker to me quickly before roving back over to Lucas. He gives him a sharp look and then looks over to Samuel with a stoic expression.

Samuel doesn't give the men more than a glance before he looks over to where I'm standing. He gives me a saccharine smile and grins. His teeth are too large. As if he's really a wolf disguised as a man, "I apologize for these two, ladies. Seems they still need to be taught how to be gentlemen."

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