chapter four | school

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Xander Meadows

"You are nothing compared to them"

"You don't deserve a girl like her"

"She's good at everything, what are you good at?"

"You with her must be some kind of a joke."

"You are out of her fucking league, and she's still only 13"

"Leave her alone or she will understand her mistake and leave you in a matter of time."

That's why I left her, because she was and still is too good for someone like me.

My mother used to tell me those words. I must say she wasn't my biggest fan, she hated the fact that I am her son.

When Bella was born, my little sister, my mom just went from bad to worse.

Bella is eighteen, three years younger than me, my father was still alive back then.

When our birthdays were my mother's worst days, my father's were the best.

My parents didn't have the best relationship, when they decided to take a divorce my mother insisted on taking her with us.

I still have no idea why, since it was pretty clear that she was disgusted by the idea of taking care of a child.

Two days after we moved to Beaufort she announced to us that our father died because he used to smoke too much.

I was still only eleven when that happened and I didn't think about asking any questions.

"Last night was wiiiiiild" Evan screamed and I completely forgot what I was thinking about. Maybe it's better that way.

"We literally just had a game last night, I was too tired to do anything." Aiden said still yawning, I swear this kid can sleep all night and it's still not enough.

"Not me, stay safe though" he said winking. "Me and... a girl went to my house last night to celebrate." he really can't remember her name.

Evan is the most amazing guy I know, plus the funniest one. But when it comes to women..

He may respect them and treat them the way a woman deserves to be treated but it still doesn't change the fact that he is a player.

I am not trying to judge him, he is my fucking brother, i love him.

Although his one-week relationships never end well.

Last time, a girl named Maria from the fourth year sneaked into the dorm I share with Evan and Aiden.

When we returned home, I found her in my room, as naked as the day she was born.

When she saw me she was terrified, because she assumed that Evan was cheating on her with me.

For weeks the rumor of me and him dating was the hot news of the campus. Aiden was totally enjoying it and kept boosting it.

He made a secret instagram account called
'evanxander4ever' and posted so many pictures of us together.

Pictures of us laughing together, hugging, he even found a photo of Evan hugging me and kissing me on the fucking cheek.

What others don't know is that I slapped him after kissing me.

People couldn't stop talking about our 'bromance' and girls would constantly messaging me about how they wanted to be the third one in our relationship.

So yes, You can say that I have a valid reason why I don't support Evan's choises. As sometimes, they effect our lives too.

"We arrived" Aiden informs us, like we don't have eyes and can see the parking lot of the school.

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