chapter five | jealousy?

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Amelia Scott

I won't cry, I won't cry, I won't cry.

Oh I will definitely cry out of  pure anger. What the hell was I thinking?! Everybody will be so disappointed in me, I can't even imagine how my mom will look at me, my father. Shit.

But would I do it again? Yes, a million time yes.

I know what I did was right, I just didn't want this outcome. Makes sense right?

I wish I could smash that Barbie's face, who does she think she is, touching him. Not that I care but, he didn't want to be touched and she should have respect that.

I just think that he doesn't deserve to be treated that way because of his.. reputation. It is well known that Xander is a player, the biggest one.

Since what happened between us he has been with half of the girls on campus. I know because I would cry myself to sleep every night.

That sounds pathetic. It's pathetic.

Anyways, him being a player doesn't mean that anyone is allowed to touch him and it looks like he is not very fond of it either.

Sometimes I just hope I would be able to help him, because if he was mine no one would be that close to him.

But oh well, some things are not possible.

"Look who's here, it's been about time Miss Scott. Go sit at the back." God, I am only a minute late and no one is here except the teacher.

"I am sorry sir" I mumble under my breath, I make my way to the back of the class and seat at one of the many empty places.

Xander can't miss detention because he knows he'll be in more important trouble then. In our school's sports teams being a good player doesn't make the cut.

Mr. Rockwell, the hockey's team coach, wants respectful men that the younger fellas can look up to. That's why he gave Xander a warning, one more violation of the school code and he's out.

Even if he's the captain, it doesn't matter. I'm our community everyone can be replaced quickly, although that doesn't guarantee the same quality.

"Oh another two late! Sit down quickly before I put you in detention for being late at detention!"

Xander and a girl from a lower class make their way to me. He doesn't even look at me, the girl looks at me and smiles. Have I missed anything?

"You'll write an essay about what you did, while I will be out running some errands. Don't do stupid things that will give you one more day with me."
The teacher leaves the class after he gives the girl a weird look as she has been giggling for the past minute.

I get my computer out just to stare at it, not even a singe word, I haven't even turned on that damn thing.

"It won't open by it self" the girl from earlier whispers to me from behind. She's still giggling. I turn around to fully look at her.

She's beautiful. Even majestic. Her green eyes are matching with her black long hair and her make up is perfect in detail. Her body is slim with curves and her longs legs can't be unnoticeable. Damn.

I can clearly see what he sees in her, she's dreamy. I mean, I fancy her right now.

I look at Xander, to find out he is already looking at me with a grin on his face, grinning like the devil. Guess who's a swiftie?

He will be my hell.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" I really hope my resting bitch face is not too much right now, although now I know when someone says anything in a mean way and I can tell that this girl doesn't like me.

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