chapter nine | burnt pancakes and feelings

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Amelia Parker

"Sei serio? Avresti dovuto dirmelo dal momento in cui è successo! Chi crede di essere quell'uomo per toccare mia figlia? E perché tuo fratello non mi ha chiamato quando sono stati arrestati? Avrei potuto farcela! Sarò lì domani mattina, prenderò il primo volo per l'America."

(Are you serious? You should have told me from the minute that it happened! Who does that man think he is to touch my daughter? And why didnt your brother call me when they got arrested, I could have handled it! I will be there tomorrow morning, I am taking the first flight to America)

No one knows how my mom found out what happened last week. We actually managed to keep it a secret from her one whole week, maybe the principal called her.

We actually told the principal about what happened and requested to move to the north dorms. We are lucky Mr. Larsen is actually very understandable and wanted to help us out of this.

Unfortunately it will take us a week till we can fully move to our new room, in the meantime the guys are here for us. Each night one of them sleeps in our living room, except Xander, although he didn't mind - or didn't care at all - I thought it would be better if we stayed a little away from each other.

Those past days we became more close to each other than we've been in freaking years. It's been great and that's the problem, I can't let Xander Meadows back in. My heart is not fully healed from the last time.

"Amore mio, mi senti?" I got so deep into thought that actually forgot that I was still on the phone with mom.

I quickly reassure her that everything will be alright, although she doesn't seem to believe me and I hang up on her.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom planning to take a really long shower, whatever is happening in the kitchen ruins that for me. After hearing Zara screaming I immediately leave my room. At first I thought it might be a joke, but later darker thoughts got into me, what if Cole is here?

I run to the kitchen like a pro track star and try not to fall over. In the kitchen there's Zara with Ivan, he is trying to teach her how to make pancakes. They are both laughing over Zara's terrible cooking skills.

They actually look cute together, they would make a good couple if Ivan wasn't a player and Zara wasn't allergic to men.

Honestly, Ivan has tried to hit on Zara hundred of times, but Zara doesn't seem to mind him. She can only see him as a friend, nothing more.

Although, what I am witnessing right now gives me different vibes, I am totally voting for them.

"Good morning guys." I announce my presence in the room a little too loud, ruining their little moment on purpose. Don't judge me, I've been single for a long of time.

Ivan moves away from the oven while Zara is still miserably fighting to keep those pancakes alive. Smiling and giggling, it makes me so happy to see my best friend like this, but I'm scared. Everyone knows Ivan's reputation with girls. I don't want him to break her heart.

Last Summer, six months ago, Zara met a guy, Zion Steves, an exchange student from Europe, they had kind of a connection, but more in a platonic way. They had fun together, going out to any place that they could buy chocolate cake. Staying in watching movies, but everything changed when he disappeared. Without leaving any trace behind. Without even taking his personal items with him. He just vanished.

Zara was never the same after that, her smile was gone for a while, she didn't talk, she didn't eat, everything was bad.

I think she still hasn't fully recovered from the betrayal, it's still difficult for her to trust someone.

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