chapter seven | honey

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Amelia Scott

"Just calm down, Cole." 

We've been driving for twenty minutes now and Cole has been doing nothing but grumble. Today, him and his mates lost the game and I can't pretend that I am not happy about it.

In fact, why would I be sad my brother won, I just wish he would understand that.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down." he grips the steering wheel tighter and speeds up. "You were there cheering for him, that fucked up ex of yours. While I was his opponent, your fucking boyfriend, Amelia. I'm your boyfriend not him, have you forgotten that?"

We are now going really fast, dangerously fast, he is so angry I don't know if he has even realised it yet.

"Cole, for the last time, I was there for you and my brother. Stop imagining things. And slow the fuck down we are going to crush."

"Oh you want me to slow down now?" he is laughing ironically and looks at me. If I didn't know, I'd say he is high or drunk.

He pulls up at the highway and gestures me outside.

"Um what?" I murmur, so scared that I am not sure if I actually said the words out loud or they were in my head.

"Get out, if you don't like my driving, you can walk home." I can't believe this. No.

I really hope he is joking, because there's no way I will speak to him ever again if he is for real about this. I get out of the car and look around.

"Are you kidding me?! It's dangerous out here."

"Not my problem" he says and takes off, leaving me alone in the middle of nowhere. Perfect, just perfect.

I immediately take my phone out and search for Zara's phone number, I would call Aiden but he will beat up Cole if he hears about this.

"Hi this is Zara!"

"Hey Zara can y-"

"Right now I'm buuuuusy! But you can leave your message in the voicemail after the beep! I promise to call you as soon as possible! Kisses!"

Like this night can't get any worse, I have one last option because I can't call my parents either, they will be furious.

So humiliated enough already, I call Xander to pick me up. I make the mistake to let some of my tears fall and crying was the most pathetic thing to do at the moment.

Not two seconds later he picks up the phone, "Hey what's up?"

"Um I- I'm sorry to bother you, Xander can you come pick me up?" It's so cold out here and I'm literally trembling right now.

"What happened?" he asks deadly serious and all, I can hear him saying goodbyes to his friends already. I feel so bad for making him leave to come help me.

"Cole left me, I mean, it's my fault, I shouldn't be so happy of you guys winning the game and yeah you kn-" My hands are trembling, my voice is cracking and tears are streaming down my face, I can't get more pathetic than this, hopefully.

Before I have the chance to finish my rumbling, Xan has already started the car. He has no intention of hiding the anger in his voice. Although I don't who is his target.. Me, for making him leave the party or Cole for leaving me out here?

" Vèlocita, send me your location." the nickname sent a chill to my entire body. I forgot the situation I was in for a second and just focused on his words.

At the ability that he had, it was like a magic trick, calming me down with just his voice. I don't think anyone has ever had that much effect on me. I hate how much I am depending on him, my heart is at least.

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