Chapter 13

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I frowned at the unexpected contact.

However, I immediately thought that this was an opportunity. I looked at him and pushed him hard.


Taking advantage, I kicked his shin and got up quickly. He groaned in pain and fell.

I quickly woke up and ran straight through the bushes.

I heard footsteps chasing me behind my back.

I was out of breath. Beads of sweat dripped down my temple and immediately fell on the tip of my chin. Even if he has no intention of killing me now, I don't want to get involved with him. Because I don't want to spend time trembling in fear that one day I will die at his hand.

Enoch alone was enough to frighten me.

I braked my foot to turn the corner and went straight down the hill.

"Hah hah."

I was out of breath.

"Wait a minute! Wait!"

I clenched my teeth at Kayden's call came from not far away.

In front of me, I saw a huge thick tree. Thick branches stretched down the slope.

I sped up my run and leaped. Then, after hanging lightly on the branch that stretched down the slope, I jumped straight down.


I rolled lightly on the ground to reduce the impact. The dress was turned upside down and there was dirt on my face, but of course, I had no energy to care about my face right now.

I jumped up again and ran like crazy.

By the time I thought I couldn't feel the presence behind my back, I tripped over a stone and rolled down a sloping cliff. My vision kept changing as I fell and rolled down.

My body, which had been rolling like that, crashed into a solid tree and finally stopped. I screamed in pain.

'Damn it, what if my ribs are broken?'

As the pain intensified, my vision became hazy.

'I ran away from Kayden, though.'

I think I found Margaret's hidden talent.

The master of running away.

I soon lost consciousness after complimenting myself.

5. Relationships Are Bound to Change

When I woke up, I found myself lying on the ground where I had fallen.

My whole body ached as if I had been beaten. I gritted my teeth and got up.

Contrary to my fears, my ribs did not appear to have been broken. More fortunately, Kayden also seemed to have not yet found me.

That's when I realized I was holding something tight in my hand. I opened my grip, and there was Kaiden's pendant, shining.

'Did he come after me because of this?'

At that time, a stabbing pain came from the soles of my feet and heels.

I tucked the pendant into my dress pocket and took off my flat shoes a bit. There was blood. It looks like the blister has burst again.

I tore the hem of my dress. Then I threw away the blood-stained cloth and wrapped a new cloth around my feet. Even in situations where disinfection was not possible, the wound had to be protected.

After the treatment, I put on my flat shoes again. I looked up at the sky to measure the time. The sky was a pale purple.

"It was around the afternoon when I was being chased by Kayden...... Is it dusk now?"

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