Chapter 23

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I could accidentally step on the wrong foot and fall, but fear came over me and I couldn't slow down my run.

As the sun began to set, the sky began to darken as well.


The sound of a wolf howling from somewhere gave me a cold sweat.


I heard the sound of something quickly chasing me behind my back. I could hear the sound of breaking through the bushes.

The sound was getting closer and closer. I just wanted to cry.

I ran down for a long time, but it was still in the middle of the mountain. It looked like another blister had burst on my poor sole, but I had no time to worry about it.

owoooo! owoooo! owoooo!

And the monsters that chased after me suddenly started sending signals.

Are you going to invite more monsters? I wondered how many monsters were chasing me, but there was no time to look back.

I'm almost there. A little more!

I braked my feet when I came to a corner, then turned sideways and rounded a boulder, and descended.

Even if I don't look back, the presence of the monsters chasing after me is terrifying.

I was running down for a long time, and in the midst of this, I caught a man walking leisurely in my sight.

Wait, a man?

"Move! Move! Move!!"

I shouted out loud.

The man looked back at me very slowly, and as I passed by him, I snatched his wrist and ran together.

"What, what happened?!"

The man was led by my hand and ran down the mountain with me, shouting at me. His face was white from seeing the monsters chasing behind his back.

"Why the hell do monsters gather like that? Could it be because of the strange magic that just popped out of the sky?"

"First of all, did you know that magic doesn't work on this island?"

The man nodded at my question.

"So what you saw earlier is not magic!"

I felt like crying at the sound of the roars of the raging monsters behind me.

It seems to be true that monsters flocked this way because of the fireworks.

However, if it was an ordinary flare gun, it wouldn't make an explosion so flashy as fireworks.

'How did you modify it?'

As we reached the end of the descent course, the slope gradually became gentler, but it was not easy to run on the slope.

The man and I ran like crazy. I was out of breath.

As I was running roughly, the flare gun I put in my dress pocket hit my thigh.

As I was paying attention to the sensation felt in my thigh as I hit the branches blocking my way, I suddenly came up with an idea to overcome this situation.

"I have a good idea! Lie down when I give you a signal."

I took the gun flare I just picked up from my pocket. Then I measured where to stop.

Fortunately, there was a huge rock about 50m ahead. I can hide behind it.

"Yes? What do you mean?"

The man asked with a face that he did not understand what I said, but I did not have time to answer his question.

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