Chapter 154

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A sharp bolt of lightning struck the pink-haired man, Arthdal, on one side of his face. Thanks to this, Jenas' attack was deflected.

Arthdal groaned in pain, his cheek burning from the intense sparks.


But he didn't break his stance, pointing his crossbow at Jenas and pulling the trigger.


'I'll just have to dodge this one......'

Jenas twisted his body to avoid the crossbow bolt.

The problem was, at that crucial moment, his body started to move on its own. He thought he had turned to the left, but the direction he moved was actually to the right.


Kayden's body began to rebel against Jenas.

He narrowly dodged one arrow, but not the second. In the end, Jenas was struck by Arthdal's arrow and slammed against the wooden wall of the cabin.

Arthdal, covered in blood, drew a shaky breath. Blood dripped from a long gash that ran from his forehead to his eye.

"Hey, Banhwang. You have to watch your back."

Arthdal, who scolded Enoch with his usual aristocratic proud face, coughed up blood again.

"Damn it, Arthdal!"

Enoch hurriedly checked his condition. Arthdal, barely able to see in one eye, looked up at Enoch with difficulty.

Arthdal had heard the commotion inside the cabin, realized the gravity of the situation, and had managed to break through the barrier before Anata could fully neutralize it.

So the loss of an eye was all self-inflicted. It was a gut-wrenching experience, but in the end, it was a relief to be able to help Enoch.

"What a dangerous thing you've done!"

"Isn't this crazy thing you're doing also dangerous?"

Arthdal laughed. He even took the time to pat Enoch on the shoulder as he joked.

"Still, we all survived, and we're kind of old friends from the Academy, so I'm helping out because we're friends."

Enoch realized that despite his relaxed demeanor, Arthdal's hands were shaking. He gritted his teeth and helped him to his feet.

Their respite was short-lived, of course. Jenas stumbled out of the dust, clutching the back of his neck as if feeling stiff.

Jenas' brow furrowed as he pulled the arrow from his shoulder. He tried to attack the two men again, but this time his body refused to move as he wished.

"You are not listening, my descendant. You still haven't given up."

Come to think of it, the man who was rebellious at first while hurling curses suddenly calmed down and gave in to him.

'It was strange.'

Normally, he would have been suspicious, but he was too deeply engrossed in his conversation with Margaret to pay attention to anything else.

-bang! wham!

Just then, something huge burst through the roof of the cabin and soared into the sky.

It was an anaconda of gigantic proportions. In a spectacular entrance, it opened its mouth to the sky and breathed fire. A great pillar of fire swept across the sky, giving off scorching heat.

It was a shocking appearance that overwhelmed all life on earth.

Atop the monstrous anaconda's head sat a tiny human.

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