Chapter 129

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Kayden furrowed. "Who the fuxk is he? Doesn't he look like that damn kid?"

"Sorry if it doesn't live up to your expectations. This is my original appearance."

"What the hell, Jenas? What did you do with your body?"

Jenas looked at them with interest.

Enoch and Kayden noticed that the condition of Margaret in Jenas' arms was unusual.

They tried fighting Jenas, but he used magic. So Jenas left them easily and quickly disappeared.

Kayden found Tentathionem flowers covering the wall with a large magic circle forming right in front of it. It blocked the front like a wall as if protecting the flowers.

"Damn, what is this......?"

Looking at the magic circle pattern, it seems that there is protection magic.

Kayden belatedly remembered that Enoch and Margaret are not immune to poison.

"Shit! Your Highness! Your Highness! There are poisonous weeds here...! We must go up!"

However, it was already too late.


Perhaps the poison had spread, Enoch muttered a curse and fell down with a dry cough.

Kayden, who was about to approach him, stopped in place. This was because a light suddenly emitted from the magic circle blocking the Tentathionem flowers.

The magic circle rotated slowly. As a result, a light wind blew. Eunji spewed fire at the flowers, but the rotating magic circle swallowed all of the fire.

Kayden rushed to Enoch and then to Margaret.

"We'd better leave quickly."

At that moment, the wind created by the rotating magic circle began to shake and sway the Tentathionem flowers that covered the wall. Immediately, the flower's yellow pollen was sucked into the magic circle.


The yellow pollen passing through the magic circle spread widely throughout the underground with an enormous gust of wind.

"Cough, cough, dammit."

Kayden inhaled all the pollen and fell down.

Until just a moment ago, he had clearly been fine with smelling flowers, but those that passed through the magic circle had a different feel.

'Dammit. Okay. If the purpose of that damn magic circle is to protect something, no wonder there's a trap like this.'

It's not poison, it's more like magic.

'Like an idiot, I can't believe I didn't even predict this beforehand.'

Kayden let out a hot breath as he felt heat rising to his cheeks. This maddening thirst for contact with others is a symptom of Tentathionem poisoning.

Just then, Enoch picked Margaret up and shouted at him, "Lord! Come to your senses!"

Enoch truly has extraordinary self-control. Kayden managed to control himself thanks to Enoch's shout, and then he helped him carry Margaret with utmost patience.

As they tried to get outside to escape the pollen, they found a bedroom in the bunker.

It'd be better to stay in a closed room than outside where you don't know when monsters will come while you're poisoned.

Sure enough, when they went into the bedroom and closed the door, there was no longer the scent of Tentathionem flowers.

They immediately put Margaret on the bed.

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