Chapter 123

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I followed Eunji and looked around the room.

Canned food is stacked on the shelf; there's also canned fruit, corn, canned tuna, and canned ham.

I picked them up with pleasure.

-growling. After starving for a few days, my stomach let out rumblings.

I was moved to tears, but first I checked the expiration date of the canned food.

"Come to think of it, what's the point of checking the expiration date? I don't know how much time has passed."

However, considering the date I was last in Korea, most of them still had more than three years left until the expiration date.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but it looks like these canned goods came to the island at the same time as me.

In the original story, Yuanna can't eat this because she doesn't know how to open a can. I don't know who organized this room, but it seems like he doesn't know how to eat it either.

"What's in the bunker?"

"Food and daily necessities......?"

"Is it still edible? Or has it expired?"

"I think you can eat it. I don't need food, so I just left it."

No. Looking back, Jenas knew that there was food in the bunker.

If Anata knew how to read Korean, she might have read the writing on the canned food and knew that these were daily necessities.

Anyway, I was very hungry, so I decided to eat first.

I burst into tears as I hurriedly ate the canned food.

'I want to let Enoch and Kayden have this taste.'

I wanted to try other canned food, but I held back. It would be better to share the rest with Enoch and Kayden.

I took a small backpack from the shelf and put canned food in it.

I packed tissues, mouthwash, candles, and a knife too. Then I looked around again to see if I could get more, but unfortunately, there didn't seem to be. I wish I had a stash of grenades like I found last time.

Then I saw a neat bed in the corner.

'I want to lie down.'

I can't even remember the last time I slept in a bed.

Come to think of it, there was a bed in Jenas' cabin as well. Even though the beds in the room on the third floor were neatly arranged, I had to sleep on the first floor.

"No, wait, Jenas slept in a hammock."

That damn punk!

I gritted my teeth at the thought of Jenas, then placed my bag on the floor and carefully sat down on the bed. I'm just going to sit for a bit.

There is no blanket, but the bed is very soft. This is a good mattress. While evaluating the bed, the closed door caught my eye.

'Huh? Did I close the door?'

I don't remember, but I think I did. I must have been so busy eating that I couldn't remember.

With that thought in mind, I stretched out my legs and lay down. I think it's better than the mattress in my house.

Eunji, who was on the floor, slithered onto the bed. Then he coiled himself at the end of the bed and yawned. He must also be very tired.

Drowsiness also came over me when I saw Eunji closing his eyes. So we both ended up falling asleep together.

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