Chapter 63

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First of all, does it make sense for the egg to move on its own?

The fact that the egg that had been left in the forest moved to the cliff could not be explained.

'I'll pretend I didn't see it.'

I tried to avert my gaze and turned my back.

I went back to the place where Kayden was lying, taking a proper amount of bamboo and twigs to make a fire. After taking a seat and lighting a fire, I checked Kayden's condition from time to time.

Fortunately, the fever went down quickly, perhaps it wasn't too serious. Seeing Kayden's face relaxed, I checked the embers from time to time to keep the bonfire from going out.

It was then.


I reflexively grabbed the dagger at the sound of something passing through the bushes. I hurriedly looked back at Kayden, but there was no sign of him waking up.

Even if he wakes up, I can't ask a sick person to fight. I bit my lower lip and made up my mind.

'I'm screwed. I'm not confident in using my strength.'

I roughly wiped the cold sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand and carefully moved.

After taking a stance so that I could throw the dagger at any moment, I slowly walked towards the sound coming from the bushes.

Then, very slowly, I took one step forward and bowed slightly. It was to check what was beyond the bushes.


"What the— it startled me!"

I almost lost my eyesight because of something brightly shining in the moonlight.

Well, almost losing sight was a bit of an exaggeration, but still, it was something dazzling.

Rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand, I checked the object again and found that it was the silver egg I had encountered in the forest a while ago.

Is this where I picked up twigs earlier? I shook my head in a slightly more exaggerated gesture to relieve my fear.

However, no matter how I looked at it, this wasn't where I picked up the twigs earlier.

At that time, I definitely went deeper into the forest, but this is right in front of where Kayden was sleeping.

"This is so creepy......"

I picked up the egg, went deep into the forest, laid it down on the ground, and covered it with leaves. The egg would get into trouble if it was found by a beast and eaten.

"But what if it's a real monster egg?"

However, as Kayden said, I have a faint feeling that this egg won't hurt me. It was a feeling that couldn't be described in words.

The biggest example is that this egg refused Kayden's touch but accepted mine.

As I was thinking like that, somehow, the egg seemed to be really wriggling. Maybe I'm mistaken?

"You! Don't follow me!"

With my index finger raised, I spoke with a stern tone to the egg. I just smiled at the feeling of despair that came over me.

"I think I've really gone crazy."

I tilted my head, checked that the egg was well covered by the leaves, and returned.

Fortunately, there were signs of dawn. The morning was finally coming.

"Sigh...... It was a bloody fxxking night."

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